Motivation is a dirty word! I recently read a quote by Michelle - TopicsExpress


Motivation is a dirty word! I recently read a quote by Michelle Bridges (from the biggest loser) which said she didn’t like the word motivation, as she felt it was easily turned into an excuse ie “I’m just not motivated” and it was not a good thing to rely upon. She continued to say “I don’t always feel motivated to jump out of bed at 4.00am to do a workout, nor do people always feel motivated to go to work or do household chores, but they do them anyway as they know they have to”. This resonated with me, as I too have muttered those words once or twice throughout my training history. If you hear yourself saying “I lack motivation” or something similar, try following it with “but I will do it anyway” don’t rely on motivation alone to stay consistent with your fitness routine. Another word I do not like is genetics. I sometimes wish I had never heard the phrase “She must have good genes”. It usually makes me feel like saying “Well I might as well give up now then, as I can’t do anything about the genes I was born with!” But who cares about the good genes they were born with, they are not you. You may admire the physique of a certain fitness model or celebrity but you are never going to look like them, because you are not them, you are you! If you find yourself comparing yourself to someone else, and it leaves you feeling deflated, remember that you are striving to become the best/fittest version of you, who else can you be? And the best version of you is not a couch potato with a beer gut or muffin top; it is someone who commits to move everyday, to educate themselves about health and fitness and to realise that there is no “end date” to this way of life, as these things should become daily habits much like brushing your teeth or household chores. So try not to hide behind certain words or phrases which become excuses and wear you down, and turn that negative energy into positive action :-) Have a great weekend and see you in a month as I am flying back to my motherland on Tuesday (Jenny - Club Manager). XXX
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 20:44:22 +0000

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