Motivational Monday Press Passed Your Comfort Zone So I am - TopicsExpress


Motivational Monday Press Passed Your Comfort Zone So I am sure you have heard the phrase “mind over matter” several times in your life. I find myself saying this to my clients frequently as words of encouragement during their training sessions. However, I feel that when I am offering this encouragement it often falls on deaf ears…or just maybe my clients don’t believe me… or maybe in the moment of their pain and fatigue they are not receptive. What ever the case, I really mean well and I hope that they will be able to not only hear my words, but listen and understand what I am saying. So what does “mind over matter” really mean? What is your understanding of this phrase that seems to be so cliché? What this means to me and what I’m trying to reinforce to my clients is that they should use their mind to step outside that perceived physical constraints imposed by their mind. Often times our mind convinces our bodies that we are incapable of pressing passed our comfort zone, which is essential for achieving optimal fitness. Have you ever thought about what you could gain by reprogramming your mind to think the opposite way? What if your thoughts were all positive and you visualized yourself dispelling every limitation you thought you had? What would really happens when you begin to truly believe in your ability to challenge your body’s physical abilities? So have you really thought about it…What happens when you mentally convince yourself that your body CAN accomplish any fitness goal / endeavor that you set? I would like to believe that you would then, in turn, achieve those goals. In fact, I know for sure that you would because I have seen it first hand with many of my clients. In the beginning, clients always tell me all of their physical limitations and what fitness activities they DON’T like or CAN’T do. Notice how people tend to speak in terms of negativity and limitations. Because my job, as a personal trainer, is to motivate you and inspire you to do better I usually take the negatives and translate into positives. By that I mean I like to use the very same limitations, given to me by clients, to set fitness goals and help inspire them to press passed their comfort zones. Once my clients also begin thinking positive of their abilities they are able to set aside all of the negative thoughts that limited their physical growth. I know I have made this sound very easy. And yes it is one of those things that is easier said than done. But if you are really serious about wanting to change here’s some advice to help you: - Replace all negative statements with affirmative statements. Stop using “can’t” and “don’t.” - Set realistic fitness goals. - Use visualization to help your mind see the benefits of achieving your goals. - During your workout, for every one excuse you give to stop, refute is with 3 reasons why you should keep going. Remember, if you believe in yourself you can accomplish anything you want…you just have to want it. The Fitness Bar…Raising the Bar on Fitness!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 19:47:36 +0000

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