Movies from Childhood: Some of these were on TV, many times. Some - TopicsExpress


Movies from Childhood: Some of these were on TV, many times. Some were at the movies. All were before I entered 9th grade. 10. (tie) Gorgo and Mothra - the former was a knockoff of Godzilla, but Godzilla wasnt available in suburban CT, even on TV. Still it had all the necessary elements. And who could forget the dancing girls, singing Motsuya to rouse the giant moth to action, although the rest of the film has faded. 9. Dr. Cyclops - This mad scientist movie was on in the afternoon, almost as often as a TBS classic is on now. The bald, thick-glasses-wearing Dr. was an imposing figure in my youth. 8. (tie) Hercules and The 7th Voyage of Sinbad - Hercules starred Steve (Hercules) Reeves, the former body-builder, and was my introduction to classical mythology (and dubbed movies). Sinbad (nobody ever told us what happened on the first 6 voyages) gave my first exposure to Ray Harryhausens work in the persona of the Cyclops. 7. The House of Usher - Vincent Price at his finest. When his sisters hand comes out of the coffin, everybody jumps. A great Roger Corman film. 6. Demetrius and the Gladiators - Victor Mature continues in his role from The Robe, full of sweaty, semi-clothed men in close combat (not theres anything wrong with that). Full of action and early Christianity. Susan Hayward is his love, Michael Rennie (Klaatu) as Peter. 5. The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming - First movie I remember seeing as a family that truly cracked my mom up. Carl Reiner and Alan Arkin run ragged over a small New England town in this Cold War slapstick comedy. Also gave me my first movie crush, Andrea Dromm. 4. Zulu - Perhaps the genesis of my interest in things African, this is the story of one battle in the Zulu wars. Very early Michael Caine, thousands of Zulu extras. Epic in scale. Saw it at the old Meadows Drive-In in Hartford. 3. Tarzan the Ape Man/Tarzan and His Mate/ Tarzans New York Adventure, et al. - Johnny Weissmuller, the Olympic swimming champion, is the definitive Tarzan, and Maureen OSullivan (sigh) is so lovely that I melt whenever she says, Tarzan, Tarzan. Tarzan, in that way she has. And dont forget Cheetah. 2. A Hard Days Night/Help - Cant really consider them apart, especially since I saw them first as a double bill. Biggest lasting images: When John tips his guitar up into the air and starts to serenade Ringo with If I Fell; and when the lads enter their separate doorways outside, only to reveal that are no walls separating their spaces inside. 1. Young Mr. Lincoln - Before he learned to slay vampires, Abe was a lawyer. A John Ford film starring young Henry Fonda. Damn fine movie. As I finish this list, Im compelled to add Inherit the Wind, the Monkey Trial movie, for the incredible interplay between Spencer Tracy and Fredric March, and the haunting minister played by Claude Akins. Brady: I do not think about things I do not think about. Drummond: Well, do you ever think about the things you do think about?
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 08:49:38 +0000

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