Moving Forward: Within the context of an antiquated - TopicsExpress


Moving Forward: Within the context of an antiquated administrative system that controls and constrains our local council(s) I think yesterday was a success and we got our points across well and it all did appear to sink in. Even those that had turned up to argue against the points raised by Norman Baker got their points of view across and there appeared to be some common ground. We now have to trust our Councillors to do the right thing for this town but let them know that we are watching and we will stand up again if we think nothing is happening. It struck me about half way through yesterday that these guys that sat in a line in front of a public firing squad were also our neighbours and friends. They are part-time Councillors and it became very evident that they all find themselves in unfamiliar territory. The lady that asked the question ‘Who was there to support the Councillors?’ hit the nail on the head. So I think it is time to move forward and time to work with and help our Councillors sort out this mess. We need to keep talking to them and we do need to keep questioning their decisions but in a constructive manner. I would like to see them open up their Facebook page again and for all the Councillors to actively participate in online conversations on it – perhaps this is could be a new style of ‘surgery’ for the digital age? (and perhaps we can then give Esther Morgan her page back). Finally, it was good to have confirmation yesterday from our District and County Councillor that we do still have a Mayor and we just need to persuade Anthony White to rescind his resignation at Monday’s Full Council Meeting. I think he was, until his departure, making a difference in this council and was starting to fight his way through the problems. He was certainly engaging at a cross party level and I think his actions before Christmas stand testament to his desire to ‘do the right thing’ for this town. You all may or may not agree with me but think we should ask for our Mayor back and ask him to make sure that everything we have just gone through is not forgotten or swept under the carpet. I think we need our Mayor to make a difference in this town. Please if you agree show support and perhaps we can get him to return? (ps Kevin Gordon - sorry its another Town Council post)
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 08:54:50 +0000

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