Mpoola, Lutepo bank accounts frozen over Malawi cashgate scandal - TopicsExpress


Mpoola, Lutepo bank accounts frozen over Malawi cashgate scandal LILONGWE -Stafford Mpoola a business associate of Minister of Water and irrigation, Brown Mpinganjira who trades as Stado Contractors has had his bank accounts frozen at NBS Bank and FDH Bank in realation to the plundering of public funds in government. MNO has information that at FDH Bank Mpoola is using the CEO to transfer money into an account belonging to his wife. At NBS he is using a girlfriend’s accounts. It has also emerged that International Procurement Services allegedly belonging to Osward Lutepo a ruling People’s Party member and associate of Minister of Gender Anita Kalinde have had their accounts frozen at Standard Bank. Another company O&G Contractors has had it’s accounts frozen! Ramazoka Investments has also had its accounts frozen. Reporters indicate that the financial maladministration at Capital Hill has accumulated to over K1.2 billion since the cashgate scandal surfaced. The crisis has also led to the suspension of the payment system known as the Integrated Financial Management Payment System (IFMIS). Meanwhile, the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) with the help of the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) is probing how the Treasury has paid out to various companies a sum of money estimated at K 600 million. Other reports say there is a controversial company called Anchor farms now being claimed to belong to ‘farmers’ . The brains behind the registration of this company is Joyce Banda, the President; Hawa Ndilowe, the Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet; Mrs Flora Kaluwire, the coordinator of the Presidential Initiative for Povery and Hunger and Joster Njanji, the Principle Secretary for Finance at OPC. The company has an account whose sole signatories are Mrs Kaluwire and Mr Njanji. 390 million Kwacha from Export Development Fund (EDF) was deposited into this account. More money (about 300 million Kwacha) from the proceeds of the sale of the jet was deposited into this account. Apparently, the money from EDF was supposed to be used for buying soya from farmers as widely talked about by the President and her supporters. If any money has been used for this, it is a very little drop in the ocean of the Kwachas as decribed above. Mrs Kaluwire is JB’s best friend from the NABW days and she is probably using her to siphon more money from the public purse.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 06:01:40 +0000

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