Mr. Barack Obama, The President of United State of America - TopicsExpress


Mr. Barack Obama, The President of United State of America , thro Ambassador of USA in Sri Lanka, Colombo. Israel is slaughtering an entire people with impunity and this made possible only by the support extended to it by the US Administration and its allies. This criminal complicity, condemned by the international community, violates every rule of international humanitarian law and international human rights law. Is Washington blind to the systematic and ruthless violence of Israel against a people whose only demand, since decades, is the recognition of its right to exist as a State and as a nation? The genocidal arrogance of Israel is aimed at terrorising the Palestinian people of the Gaza, at depriving them of their land, and imposing a “Final Solution.” How can we fail to see a parallel between the Holocaust of the Jews by the Nazis and the decimation of the Palestinian people today? The massacre of civilians, among them huge numbers of women and children – more than 400 under the age of 12, their starvation to death, the destruction of hospitals and places of worship, the blockade of the entire territory, the bombardment of UN installations and diplomatic representations, are the methods that are being used today to reach this criminal goal. Humanity has no future if by the simple fact of wielding military power a State is permitted, with impunity, to commit war crimes and to deny the fundamental rights of a sovereign people. Israel has chosen war with the sole purpose of spreading terror among the Palestinian people and imposing its presence in all of Palestine. And Palestine has chosen the right to resist! Today, our hearts are with the Palestinian people of the Gaza whose lives are in peril for the sole reason that they happen to be born Palestinians. We firmly condemn the double standards of the US Administration, which speaks of human rights here or there while at the same time supporting the criminal State of Israel that practices genocide, terror, apartheid and exclusion. We demand justice for the Palestinian people of the Gaza ! We demand that the US Administration puts an immediate end to its outrageous support for the criminal regime in Tel Aviv and to its aggression, and that it ceases, with immediate effect, all economic and financial aid, and military cooperation ! The United States is arming Israel only to kill the Palestinian people, again and again! We support the initiative of the Palestinian Justice Minister and the Gaza Court Public Prosecutor to sue Israel at the International Criminal Court for war crimes and crimes against humanity. We demand that the Israeli regime be judged and condemned for the crimes it has committed and is continuing to commit! We, the citizens of Sri Lanka, denounce all forms of collaboration with Israel, and support the boycott and isolation of that criminal State, as well as the suspension of all relations with Israel! The Political Bureau Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) - Peoples Liberation Front 8 August, 2014
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 07:41:18 +0000

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