Mr. Breyer is not a threat to anyone, said Boyle. Hes not a flight - TopicsExpress


Mr. Breyer is not a threat to anyone, said Boyle. Hes not a flight risk. I dont think any of the Prisoners he guarded would have agreed to him not be a threat to anyone. But Magistrate Judge Timothy Rice ruled the detention center was equipped to care for Breyer, who appeared to comprehend questions about the nature of the hearing. Oh, you are now old after evading Justice for your crimes....I dont care. I dont think or feel you should be at home in total freedom. oh, you should be in no way inconvenienced because of your advanced age... I think NOT! They can care for your neeeds ...something that was not done for any of the Elderly you guarded, or your part occupied-Most were killed right away as they could not work. You know it, we know, you ARE NOT TOO OLD. A law enforcement officer also testified Breyer and his elderly wife grasped what was happening during his arrest Tuesday outside their home in northeast Philadelphia. Nope! You are fully aware! You should be afraid and ashamed of what you did, you will face Justice: in this life, and in the the world to come, as G_d is Just and Merciful! You will face Judgement as ALL of us will! They both understood, deputy marshal Daniel Donnelly said. It wasnt news to them. Oh, youve not forgotten the Death Camps... the continual smell of Humans burning, being gassed, suffocated, worked to death, starved to death, reduced to a number and told they were not Human Beings. The crematoriums burning 7 days a week, nonstop for years. This is what you guarded you helped keep Human Beings IN death camps. Thats what you guarded and now you are ashamed, and dont want to face the consequences, but we ALL must face the music(nazis forbid Jews and ALL their Prisoners from playing German songs, did you know?) Breyer has been under investigation by prosecutors in the Bavarian town of Weiden, near where he last lived in Germany. You can not hide! Which you have tired to do for far too long! Breyer has admitted he was a guard at Auschwitz in occupied Poland during World War II, but has told The Associated Press he was stationed outside of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Death Camp part of the complex and had nothing to do with the wholesale slaughter of about 1.5 million Jews and others behind the gates. Witnessing Genocide and not doing anything DOES make you guilty. You pulled the trigger, you maintained the constant burning, and gassing of People: Women, Men, Teens, Children: Fellow Human Beings. Watching murder doesnt set you apart form this murder. You watched, you saw, you smelled Genocide, and kept silent. Following Orders is no longer an answer, and you will give an answer, in this life, and the in the World to come-just as we all must give an account. Thomas Walther, a former federal prosecutor with the special office that investigates nazi war crimes in Germany, now represents family members of some of Breyers alleged victims as co-plaintiffs in the case. He called for a speedy extradition. This should be speedy. Due to your age, your case should occur as soon as possible. Many have waited a long time for this, too long! Sadly, even those who walked out of your guard, surviving Death, are now no longer here, but their families are, Thanks G_d WH- Saves HIS People, always has, always will. They will give their witness, their voice to those you helped keep voiceless. The German court has to find late justice for the crimes of Breyer and for the victims and their sons and daughters as co-plaintiffs, Walther wrote in an email to the AP. It is late, but not too late. Justice. Many of your fellow nazis have escaped this Earthly justice. They slipped away, fled, lied, entered others nations as Terrorist. Lied on official government documents. This man, Johann Hans Breyer, has lied to the United States over the decades his been hiding here. Lying to every single person he has met. Source: abcnews.go/US/wireStory/us-man-89-held-nazi-death-camp-charges-24193981
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 04:19:42 +0000

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