Mr Brown stressed it was imperative not to allow the Nationalists - TopicsExpress


Mr Brown stressed it was imperative not to allow the Nationalists to set the terms of the debate along the lines of nationhood but that the choice was between two visions for Scotlands future: one he described as patriotic, backing Scotland as part of the UK, pooling resources on welfare, defence and the economy; and the other as Nationalist, severing every single link Scotland had with the UK. Britain cannot be Britain without Scotland being part of the United Kingdom ... Britain and Scotland go together, said Mr Brown. Two points here to take apart. Firstly the YES side set the terms of the debate from day one. There has really been no debate. YES has a positive vision for Scotland. The NO side see nothing but darkness and offer no alternative. Britain. What is it? The Romans gave what is today England and Wales the name Britannia. What is Scotland they named Caledonia. The northern part of France is called Brittany, or Bretagne in French. When the French conquered England in 1066 they referred to their new lands as Grande Bretagne; Big Brittany. So from 50 BC til 1707 AD there was a Britain without Scotland. Who put the Great in Great Britain? The French!
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 09:17:00 +0000

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