Mr. Duncans death was sad, as any human death is sad, but there - TopicsExpress


Mr. Duncans death was sad, as any human death is sad, but there was something wrong with him that went well beyond the Ebola virus. Knowing he had been exposed, he traveled here and exposed his own family, including children, to sickness and possible death. That is unconscionable. As a CHRISTIAN, I can see Duncan as a very flawed person, and have sympathy for him as a human being. I feel the same way about every human, even those who commit heinous acts against others. We are all Gods children. As a CITIZEN, however, I have a duty to help maintain our society, and to act to protect the people of our country, our state and our community from those who would do them harm, either intentionally or unintentionally. That includes doing what we can to keep contagious disease far from the vulnerable populations here. We should make no apologies for this. That PUBLIC duty to my community is sometimes in conflict with my PRIVATE duty to help others in need. Forced to choose between the people of the well-being of the people of my community and the people of a foreign land, I will side with, and seek to protect, my fellow Americans. I am not some citizen of the world. I am a citizen of the United States of America. There are two separate duties that pull us in different directions, both of which are moral and right. It is noble to wish well for a sick man. It is not noble to be willing to expose your own community to a deadly disease.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 14:14:35 +0000

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