Mr Fleitman not only deleted my posts, but also removed me as a - TopicsExpress


Mr Fleitman not only deleted my posts, but also removed me as a member despite being current on my dues and very active in the party getting candidates elected. He did however, only remove 2 of my sites. As many of you know, I have three and he failed to remember the third. I will post this and hope it is seen, but again, he is likely to delete is as this is not a group of members with a Chairman but appears to be a dictatorship. I have been attacked on here and those posts were not removed. He claims he removed one against Dan Allie, who I unwaveringly support. However, it should be noted that Dan was on his campaign and this only substantiates my claims. Here is what I have come to as a decision. I hope you all understand and know some will be delighted. This is an email I drafted to my Delegates, and the state party and of course, Mr. Fleitman as I do not believe in the level of secrecy and hypocrisy he has exhibited. I hopes the he has the confidence in actions to NOT DELETE this and respond to the membership. He is not a dictator but an elected official who needs to be accountable...and agreed...censorship was not used when I was maligned and attacked, why now...hmmmmm I SAY THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES!!! My guess is rather than deal with the facts, he will banish me further. Hello It is with a saddened heart that I inform you that despite having paid for the Convention and having intention of attending, as well as having committed to events on June 21st, including a Western Mass Candidates Luncheon , and other events, I have now come to a decision that I am not going to be fulfilling these obligations. Last evening, the chairperson of the WMR, Mr. Fleitman, as a result of some strong feelings on my part and a post that contained nothing but factual information, unilaterally chose to remove me from the Western Mass Republicans. Mr. Fleitman has been ignoring the bylaws and not adhering to the mission statement since day 1 of his election, and has in fact, chosen to oversee based on his personal opinions, biases, and commitment to his own past election, potential candidacy in the future, or personal agenda. He has had private meetings in Longmeadow with groups of people who are not officers to determine the platform of the WMR, which is beyond inappropriate for a person who was elected to represent a body of members, and not just the opinions of his select few. He included only select members and did not include any currently elected officials, RCC chairman, Delegates, GOP staff or even those of us who have actively campaigned for the party for years. Other than his own election, I have consistently worked 500 percent harder and been 500 percent more committed to the mission of the WMR and the GOP. Even during his failed campaign, I worked tirelessly, albeit for his opponent. He not only failed to win that campaign, but has failed to rise above his personal feelings to accomplish the mission of the WMR with a manner of consistent professional decorum. He has made decisions based on what appears to be a personal agenda, and tends to be loyal and play favorites to those who worked on his failed campaign. That I can not prove but do know that his spouse still wont acknowledge me..which says a lot. politics is not personal and I have done what I have felt is right at the time. In retrospect, I have made many mistakes and errors in judgment, but always had my heart in the right place and worked with what I believed were the facts at the time. After I emailed several people regarding this, he contacted me and told me I did not delete you permanently, but if you ASK me you can rejoin I didnt ask to be removed in the first place, and as an active Republican who has paid their dues, it is deplorable that he, in his arrogance, thinks I should ask him to rejoin the group I belonged to and he unilaterally removed me. I thought we had elected officers and not dictators or kings. A chairperson usually tries to remain neutral and facilitate the group to achieve the desired mission of the group within the parameters, bylaws and regulations set forth. In this case, it is growing the party and getting Republican candidates elected. Mr. Fleitman has deviated from that mission and also completely ignored it on occasion for his own purpose whether it be ego, ignorance of his responsibilities, or vindictiveness. I had brought to light a Republican, Victor Davilla, who was publicly supporting an Democratic opponent to Deb Boronski for State Senate. I did this privately. Instead of checking into the facts of that, he came up with an invalid reason to challenge me and avoid the issue. It is no coincidence that Mr. Davilla campaigned for him. He didnt even know who Lesser, the Democratic candidate was, and asked me instead of maintaining any dignity in the responsibilities of his position to get candidates elected, and just googling it. Lesser is the most likely candidate able to possibly defeat Ms. Boronski, and has a war chest that is armed for a fight. Mr. Fleitman did not even know who Lesser was (so much for helping get Republican candidates elected), nor who he was running against. This morning I looked at the WMR site. Ms. Boronski, despite knowing since December she was running is still not even listed as a candidate. Nor are several other candidates running. It is no wonder people do not know who or what is out there to support. That was why I felt the candidates luncheon was a benefit. Also, as a Republican PAC, the WMR is governed by bylaws and regulations that not only apply to the Republican brand, but also to the guidelines established for maintaining a PAC. He has deviated from these as well, and could potentially jeopardize the status of that PAC. As a result of his behavior and demeanor, I had to step back and evaluate the level of commitment I have had toward the mission of the WMR (with relatively no support and even resistance on the part of Mr. Fleitman. I had to evaluate the impact it had on me emotionally and what potential risks or benefits this could cause. As a result of Mr. Fleitman unilaterally removing me as a result of my valid input and opinion, I pondered the sacrifices I have made to other areas of my life in order to remain true to what I believed in, I did some soul searching. I repeatedly thank those who run for office or are elected officials as although I will never run for office, I understand on a lesser level the sacrifices they make. After evaluating the priorities in my life, and the behavior of our own WMR chairman, I reevaluated the priorities in my life and the net worth they have had or will potentially have on my own life. I had not done this in the past and have even said after a campaign repeatedly, I will never do this again. Yet when the time comes, I have risen to the call. I do not say this to pat myself on the back but to bring to light the collateral damage of having a Chairman who not only does not chair by transparency, but serves a different agenda than the PAC he has been elected to serve. He should be serving the PAC and its members and the members should not be solely for serving the needs of whatever agenda he deems important. This morning, I spoke with some of my close friends who reminded me of the countless events and times I could not share of myself with them as I was tied up in politics. I do not regret it and am proud and pleased with the work I have done. However, at this time, with Mr. Fleitman serving as a catalyst, I have decided to remove myself from the political scene other than on a minimal level for the rest of the calendar year. I plan on investing the time, energy, emotion and finances to develop and enrich those areas of my life that have sacrificed. This includes but is not limited to strengthening my relationship with Christ and those whom I love and value dearly. As a result of this decision ( I actually thank Mr. Fleitman as I would not even considered this had he not opened my eyes), as I stated, I will not be attending the Convention, nor will I be organizing the events I had planned on June 21st, including the Western Mass Republican Candidates Luncheon. I believe that is a very useful and beneficial event to educate the constituents in one location as to who the candidates are, and what their platforms entail. This allows for them to get energized and make informed decisions, perhaps even getting involved in assisting a campaign. It is my hope that perhaps Mr. Fleitman and the WMR would schedule such an event on another day as it falls within the parameters of what the mission is for that group. If they do, I will be happy to attend, if Mr. Fleitman does not determine that I am not allowed. I wish all of our candidates a successful year and I will be seeing people on a much more limited basis offering them support. I am comforted knowing that many will be pleased with my decision, however, I am saddened and apologize to those who would may be disappointed with me and would have counted on the work I would have accomplished. To those people, I defer them to Mr. Fleitman to tap into the membership (from which I have been removed) to pick up the slack I leave. I am at peace with this decision based on three beliefs that I hold true .. 1. No one person can make or break anything if it is going to succeed. 2. I have over the years done far more than most to get OTHERS elected with no personal gain for myself. 3. At the end of the year from devoting the resources to God, friends and restoring my core character, I will be much more able to make a difference in upcoming years. Thank you all who have supported me in my events and endeavors. I am truly grateful. Thank you too to those who attacked or challenged me as it helped me to look in the mirror or assess a course of action or decision. You ALL have contributed to making me a better person. With a level of sadness in my heart, Sheila Pecor I have included in this email friends who I have shortchanged as a result of my commitment to politics and hope you accept my apology and KNOW with every fiber of your body it does not mean I do not love you and value you!! Now I will have time to invest in the relationships that mean the most. :)
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 17:19:31 +0000

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