Mr Gowdy, I agree whole heartedly with the words you shared, but - TopicsExpress


Mr Gowdy, I agree whole heartedly with the words you shared, but it is a waste of time to explain to liberal republicans or democrats what a usurpation of powers is, because they already know and you cannot shame an immoral people into doing what is required both morally and constitutionally. The people you are addressing are not stupid, they are selfish, and it is not that they are unaware of what Obama has done by way of executive order or that he promises to continue this action, they are complicate with Our Dear Leader and are simply incapable of setting aside their own self interest for the sake of another, let alone the welfare of this once great nation. Liberal/Progressives serving in political office are the definition of an immoral people with covetous hearts and envious minds who keep people in dire straights usurping the liberty of Americans with promises of safety and security for the sake of buying their votes. The phrase, they draw near unto me with their words, but their hearts are far from me comes to mind. Liberals state the most noble of causes and then achieve the opposite of what was promised, because a people no longer dependent on government are a people who are empowered and secure with expectations in themselves, not the government, and we all know that would be bad for the business of big government, dont we? Today Barack Obama told a man who makes 36K a year that he needed to look at his budget to find a way to pay the $310 a month for health insurance as now mandated by the federal government. This law just required that this father take 10% of his income to pay for health insurance, and he doesnt have the money. I think it is safe to say anyone making $36k a year trying to raise a family likely doesnt have discretionary income to buy insurance. Obama went on to lecture him to look at his budget and cut his wasteful spending... This out of touch prick has the nerve to lecture a man living paycheck to paycheck about budgeting? Obama NEVER holds himself or government to the same standard of fiscal responsibility as he was preaching... America is BROKE... NO MONEY... DEAD BROKE... 2.5 BILLION A DAY IN NEW DEBT BROKE!!! Yet he can pull a billion dollars out of thin air to give Ukraine, the muslim brotherhood in Egypt or fight global warming without even looking at his budget, cutting his budget or worrying about where the money will come from, let alone who has to pay it back. This husband and father cannot just add a few zeros to the end of a spread sheet and say, hot damn, lets go to Hawaii like our government does, he makes what he makes and that is it. This arrogant bastard we are forced to call president has the nerve to lecture a good man about budgets? Well screw you Barack!!! You dont think twice about spending millions of tax payer dollars on vacations, as long as it gets Michelle out of the house and away from you, or puts you on an exotic golf course with an ocean view, it was money well spent, right? If YOU had to pay for your own vacations or even greens fees, you might have some credibility, but all I see is a community organizer who hit the lotto by winning an election and doesnt give a rip about anyone but himself and other peoples money regardless of what you say, actions speak louder than words Mr. President, and your actions are drowning out everything you say.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 05:38:05 +0000

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