Mr. I.K Gyasi once said on radio that he was accosted by a police - TopicsExpress


Mr. I.K Gyasi once said on radio that he was accosted by a police officer when driving his very reliable grey Kia Pride on the streets of Kumasi one afternoon. When he asked of his crime, the police man told him he was stopped for “attempting to failing to stop”.. this is a classic case between the National Security and the Ashanti Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party ...Until the Chairman organizes anything without the police consent, I doubt he should be arrested for saying he would organize a so called Arab Spring. Kumasi and all other parts of Ghana have never been referred to as Arab. So what was the Chairman saying? I think he should have said he would organize a Kumasi Sunshine demonstration instead, and we would see if the National Security would still invite/arrest him….!! Well, I pray the Ashanti Regional Chairman of the NPP is picked up/arrested by the National Security on no date than April 28, 2014. In this case, his arrest coincides with the 22nd anniversary celebration of Ghanas adoption of a constitutional rule since 1992. to ice a portion of the cake that the National Security would slice for the young man in the celebration feast would be a direct contravention of the entire 5th chapter of the 1992 constitution with special reference to article 21 (1). From (a) through (d). Standing on the rooftop of the Supreme Court, Article 21 screams 21. (1) All persons shall have the right to - (a) freedom of speech and expression, which shall include freedom of the press and other media; (b) freedom of thought, conscience and belief, which shall include academic freedom; (c) freedom to practice any religion and to manifest such practice; (d) freedom of assembly including freedom to take part in processions and demonstrations;… THE CRIME The National Security has decided to invite the young man on suspicion that he intends to start an uprising similar to the so called “Arab Spring” in Ghana. myjoyonline/news/2014/April-8th/national-security-chases-wontumi-over-arab-spring-uprising-comment.php Apparently, the A/R chairman for the NPP is reported to have expressed his intentions to lead a demonstration in the Ashanti region of about one to two million people if President Mahama does not scrap the capitation policy of the National Health Insurance Scheme being piloted in the region by government. In his own words as reported the Chairman said; “If he (President Mahama) knows what is best for him, he will abandon this capitation policy, in a months’ time; I Chairman Wontumi will call on one million to two million people in the Ashanti Region to join a big demonstration for about a month. What the Tunisians did, we are going to do same here in Ashanti Region; I Chairman Wontumi will never rest until the NDC is overthrown” QUESTION ?? Since when did organizing demonstrations ( peaceful and legal) become a crime in this country. From the days of Kumi Preko, through the series of CJA to other unnamed legal public movements, demonstrations have always been an integral part of expressing one’s self in Ghana’s politics. Now could someone pls tell me what crime this man has committed or is believed to be planning to commit? Recently when Mr Kwesi Pratt was asked why his CJA was no more organizing demonstrations about certain developments in the country, he replied; “Those sitting in their houses, thinking that I’m the only one to go on demonstrations to save them, should intensify their efforts ” and that “anybody with legs to walk and arms to carry placards could embark on demonstrations, if they felt strongly about happenings in the country.” How about if Mr. Pratt’s call is being heeded to? exposeghana/2013/10/kwesi-pratt-im-old-demonstrations/ If the Kumi Preko demonstrations, an apolitical demonstration was organized in this country and a series of CJA demonstrations happened, why can’t anybody organize a demonstration within the confines of the law? Or is the name that we are concerned about? Arab Spring or Kumasi Sunshine? There’s nothing called Arab Spring in the first place. The Agenda setting machinery of the Western media tagged the series of the public demonstrations/ revolutions that hit the Arab world as “Arab Spring” but to these demonstrators, they were simply demonstrating to drive home their points for a different form of a country that belonged to all of them. The series of demonstrations that hit the Arab world might have started with the unfortunate suicide of Bouzazi who set himself on fire after he was derived of all options to reclaim his fruits and vegetables which he sold to make an honest living for himself and his family and dealt harshly with by the corrupt officials in Tunisia. But in Egypt, Libya and Yemen, the same demonstration were organized through placard wielding public gatherings which later turned into riots when their uncooperative governments decided to clamp down on them. This is what the National Security is dreading. Meanwhile, you do not need to be a rocket scientist to know that if the A/R NPP Chairman organizes a single demonstration under any name or code without the permission of the police, he goes against the law..But how could anybody even tell whether he will seek police consent or not? Attempting to failing to stop We are lucky to have a democratic country, this time. For God’s sake people were picked up and shot sometime in the history of this country when whoever had the might and loud gun thought the other had done so much crime to our Ghana. So, if we are blessed enough to have a National Security outfit in this country, we had better gotten serious instead of petty with it,. we got a nation heavily polarized on so many faulty lines. Economic, educational, class, religion, ethnicity and political divisions are a time bomb that if not tackled properly would spell doom for our dear nation someday…. These coupled with economic hardship and increases in tariffs must be the focal point of our National Security and all who are elected into office and this goes for every political party in our dear country… God Bless Ghana and save us from blood thirsty fools, irrespective of whatever party colors they may don. Allah Kiaye henya!!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 13:14:26 +0000

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