Mr. Isaac Baker posted this and it is wonderful........::: From - TopicsExpress


Mr. Isaac Baker posted this and it is wonderful........::: From "Lee in the Mountains": "Our people, white Anglo-Celtic Southerners, face cultural destruction and our demise as a people. For decades we have suffered the scorn and abuse of liberal/corporate elites, a spiritual assault which taken its toll on our morale and spirit. These elites have used media and education to burden us with racial guilt and belittle virtually all of our folkways—in the name, most ironically, of tolerance. Now the elites are upping the ante. Along with the continuing psychological assault against the South, they have unleashed mass Third World immigration against our region, thereby shrinking our numbers and historic territories. And it’s not just in places like South Texas and South Florida. Growing swaths of the interior South, from Arkansas to North Carolina, have become alien colonies. This trend is only one thrust of an immigration invasion which threatens the entire Western world. Before us lies genocide, our systematic elimination from the face of the earth. Mass executions need not be the means. Demoralization and amalgamation can accomplish the task just as well. We cannot speak for other white nations, but as for ourselves, we affirm the self-evident truth that a people have every ethical right to defend their very existence. This right implies no innate malice toward others. And indeed, it is those who deny such right who should bear the suspicion of hatred. Thus when our enemies charge us with “hate,” we should consider the hateful source. Let them hurl their invectives against us—racist, bigot, hater—and we shall stand unmoved, drawing endurance from our love of ancestors, our heritage, and our generations yet unborn. Race is real and significant, and no “social construct.” Far from shallow skin color, it is the depth of flesh and blood—the force kinship through time. So deep and powerful a force, we concede, may turn toward evil as well as good. But the same may be said of any human passion. Better to control passions than deny them. Without them we are dead. All races today, but white Westerners, draw sustenance—and rightly so—from their kinship. We white Southerners now claim the same. No more will we endure a double standard. Hypocrisy destroys harmony among men. We seek harmony, while demanding simple justice. True tolerance is a two-way street. Armed with this righteous conviction, we seek the wisdom, the knowledge and the practical means to ensure our survival. The title of this website, Lee in the Mountains, comes from the suggested plan of General Robert E. Lee, near the end of the War for Southern Independence, to withdraw his beleaguered forces from Richmond and Petersburg to the Appalachian mountains. There, using the advantage of terrain, he proposed to carry on the struggle. For a number of reasons, he chose not to do so. One, perhaps, was the belief that the Union would give some quarter to the Southern people and not destroy them utterly. Today, we Southerners have no such assurance. On the right we face assault from business elites who want to destroy all cultures—and our very souls—in pursuit of money. On the left are the “politically correct” neo-communists who hate our faith and love of freedom as obstacles to the totalitarian society they wish to erect on the ruin of our land. Caught in this vice of Mammon and Marx, we must execute a strategic withdrawal in spiritual and cultural space—as well as physical space—to reform our lines and attain some hope of survival. This website will explore the possibilities and advocate practical action. We seek peace, and will earnestly negotiate for it. Not negotiable is our right to be."
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 13:37:24 +0000

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