Mr. Kerry said it was one of his best birthdays ever! First of - TopicsExpress


Mr. Kerry said it was one of his best birthdays ever! First of all, he was overwhelmed by the many wishes you sent out to him. Many of you he doesnt know. Many of you I have never even met. Yet, you took the time out of your day to lift the spirits of another. We spent the day in the temple, and it was one of the busiest days weve ever had. We occasionally saw each other from a distance, but not for long. At the end of the day, we had a wonderful discussion with an investigator that the sister missionaries had brought by. She had many, many good questions. Then, it was time for Kerry to meet his newest granddaughter, Miss Madelyn! He has been anxious to hold this sweet child for two weeks!!! One of my temple workers made her the cutest bib Ive ever seen. She runs her own embroidery business, and brought it as a gift. It is made from a hand towel. I told her I need one, for Im always sloppin. We finished off the day at Five Guys Burger and Fries. We try to eat healthy most of the time, but tonight we were ready for some grease. So, grease it was. Im telling you, I need one of the bibs. We have found as we get older that its the quiet, simple things that bring us joy - birthday wishes, coos and a full diaper from a new grandchild, grandboys that are just so much fun, meaningful talks with someone who is searching, good food, and cherishing each other. Today was good. Very, very good...
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 02:22:58 +0000

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