Mr. Obama gave a speech at the steps of my alma matter. It was a - TopicsExpress


Mr. Obama gave a speech at the steps of my alma matter. It was a huge event for Knox college, as it gave our small school a ton of publicity. But the speech was crap. I fully concur with the summary below from Club for Growth: "On Wednesday, the President gave a speech in Illinois that glossed over a record of failed policies that have severely hurt our economy. A “stimulus” that failed to boost growth. New and burdensome regulations. Tax hikes. The bankruptcy of Detroit. You know the list all too well. The President arrogantly attacked his critics and then he turned his attention to Obamacare, saying: Even if you think I’ve done everything wrong, the trends I just talked about were happening well before I took office. So it’s not enough for you just to oppose me. You got to be for something. What are your ideas? If you’re willing to work with me to strengthen American manufacturing and rebuild this country’s infrastructure, let’s go. If you’ve got better ideas to bring down the cost of college for working families, let’s hear them. If you think you have a better plan for making sure that every American has the security of quality, affordable health care, then stop taking meaningless repeal votes, and share your concrete ideas with the country. “Meaningless repeal votes”? Meaningless repeal Obamacare? Obamacare is one of the most anti-growth, unconstitutional pieces of legislation that has ever been passed into law. It massively expands the government’s role in our everyday lives and the crippling uncertainty for businesses that has come with it has harmed our already anemic recovery. Since Obamacare was signed into law: • Health care premiums are set to skyrocket (as a direct result of the law) • Contrary to what you were told, you won’t be able to keep your own doctor as some health insurers are simply pulling out of the market • The individual mandate, which for the first time ever forces citizens to purchase a private product, was upheld by the Supreme Court…but only as one of the largest tax increases in American history • Businesses are laying off workers due to the crushing mandates contained in the law • The IRS will be implementing the law on the heels of their illegal targeting of conservative groups for speaking up against Obama’s policies Not only is repealing Obamacare not “meaningless” – it’s imperative!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 19:29:49 +0000

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