Mr. President, Do not waste your time lecturing the American - TopicsExpress


Mr. President, Do not waste your time lecturing the American people on how much damage will be done to the economy in the event of a government shutdown. The unconstitutional health care law you and your minions illegally pushed through congress have damaged this economy, and have cost more jobs and continued empty homes than any other person who ever robbed the White House and the people blind. You are responsible for what happens on your watch and that is something you have never ever taken responsibility for. We the people of a nation who once stood proud now watch you attempt to flush our Founding Fathers ideals down the toilet and in doing so have proven what your agenda really is about. Mr. President you ran on your saying of yes we can well now, it is us who are saying yes we can and yes we will come together as a people to recall, to vote out those who have violated their oath of office. The continuing attack on the infrastructure of this once great nation is a crime in itself. Mr. President, I remind you that on your watch the nations credit was downgraded twice for the first time in our history thanks to your spending money that is not yours to spend. The right to protest is a right we have in this country and will continue to do until you are impeached for crimes against the oath of office. Mr. President in the eyes of the real and true majority of Americans, you are the worst president to ever sit in the oval office and history will show how you robbed and raped this nation for all time. You have the gull to call the supporters of some in congress extremists well I have news for you, we are Americans and unlike you, follow the constitution and will continue to do so. I Pledge Allegiance To the Flag of the United States Of America And To the Republic for Which it Stands One Nation Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice For All. ~ nem
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 01:32:51 +0000

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