Mr. President, Senator, Congressman, I am annoyed at the - TopicsExpress


Mr. President, Senator, Congressman, I am annoyed at the parties responsible for the government shutdown. I cannot place the blame on any one party, I blame both parties. Washington is no longer a government for the people. by the people and of the people. Our government has become a horrible contradiction to the Constitution. Our leaders no longer fight for what the people want, they dictate to us what they decide we should want. Our leaders no longer care what the majority of the people want, (they never ask us anyway), they fight and scrabble over what the party wants. None of you were elected to follow what the party wants, no matter what party you belong to. None of you were elected to pursue your own wants and policies, you were all elected to serve the will of the people. We have been ignored and abused by every one of our elected federal officials, including the president. The president has no moral right to execute presidential privilege, regardless of his legal rights. Every time he uses that presidential privilege he is spitting in the face of the American people. Every time our senators and representatives take a stand on party principles instead of the will of the people, they have slapped the good citizens of this country in the face. When we elected you to office, no matter who you are, we did not give you our power of attorney to make decisions for us. We did not give you the authority to dictate to us. We elected you to represent us in the governing of this country. Your personal agenda, your likes and dislikes, your personal feelings about any subject are not important. If you are not willing to represent the people of this nation then please step down from your office. Remember also that this is a nation where majority rules. That is the majority of the citizens of this nation, not illegal immigrants, not lobbyists, not big business, not parties, not presidents or congress. It is the majority will of this nation that is supposed to rule. That has not happened in a good long time and is the primary reason that things are so messed up. A poll taken of a few people in a hand picked area is not a proper poll of the people. Bring these things to the people on a ballot. Make sure only legal votes are accepted. Make sure that all voters are legal citizens of this country, and really find out what the people feel about, immigration, about debt, about medical care, about social security, about Medicare, about anything else that is of a concern to the country. Until you actually bring these things before the people you are just pushing your own selfish agenda and are not really doing the job you were elected to do. Thank you for your time if you really read this, Terry L. Nevison, proud Ohio voter. (I am going to post this to facebook and send it to all my friends and see if it might generate enough interest to get people to elect all new people to the government next election.)
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 00:04:00 +0000

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