Mr. President, you are hitting legacy time. The GOP heads knows - TopicsExpress


Mr. President, you are hitting legacy time. The GOP heads knows what they are, servants of the oligarchs and plutocrats. Do you know what you are? Are you just a bureaucratic middle man and polite functionary? Are you even a Democrat? Time to stand up and be heard or go down in the history books as a talented man who stemmed the tide of utter collapse but allowed the wave to crest and crash after he left office. No bombing of ISIS -- a refusal to use our military as the private police if oil billionaires. A ten year renewable energy plan. Executive action on immigration reform. Tightening regulation on private equity firms. Shoring up our voter rights. Taking care of the weakest of us through raising taxes on the rich, redeveloping our infrastructure and shoring up social safety nets. Educating our children. Promoting domestic production. A livable minimum wage of at least $15/hour. A womans control of reproduction. Gay rights. Separation of church and state. Severely curtailing the effects of the Patriot Act. Removing our military from action within our borders. Demilitarizing our police. Economic development of Palestine and a possible two state solution where their borders are defined and respected so foreigners can freely invest there. Healthcare as a humanitarian right and not a means of profit or supporting a wealthy doctor class ... And do much more ... At least stand up for these important issues and grant momentum to peer progressive candidates in the upcoming cycles. Or are you really just another Clintonian Moderate Republican gap filler?
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 17:21:18 +0000

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