Mr. Ra’ouf Koubaisy wrote an open long letter to Sayyed - TopicsExpress


Mr. Ra’ouf Koubaisy wrote an open long letter to Sayyed Nousrallah… suggesting that he should relinquish his position as a Shiite leader, and instead work for a secular Lebanon, that should free the country from its sectarian plague! ***************** The Kingdom Of God, Mr. Koubaisy wrote imploring Sayyed Nousrallah to abandon “religion”… and instead move to the higher realm, the “kingdom of God”! He would like him to give up his “incessant” declarations of being a Shiite leaser … And instead… urge his followers to give up their fanatic adherence to their faith… and join other sects in a movement that would rid Lebanon of its sectarian stigma! Mr. Koubaisy, Joining the “kingdom of God” is a Baha’i call…that many Western spiritualists have been preaching…hoping, or professing… that once everyone is there, the world will rid itself from fanaticism! Baha’is have been preaching this for centuries! Are you perchance one of them?! It is amazing how some people have a limit for assimilating reasoning and knowledge… a level beyond which they seem unable to go further! It is particularly in the domain of spirituality that they seem to think that dogmas and religions model and shape human nature… rather than the contrary! In other words, it is the empty molds in human psychic formation that shape doctrines and creeds that are always in the air for anyone to pick! Their reasoning blames religion for pronounced sectarianism, discounting the psychic formation of the fanatics that actually is responsible for deforming religion and its manner of application! When Constantine converted to Christianity… he gave the new religion a Roman Imperial form that squeezed Christianity into the existing Roman religious mold! Otherwise; Rome would never have accommodated itself to the religion of its poor and submissive slaves! The Christian Pope had to impersonate a Roman high priest… hence; he had to be carried above ground… clad in regal attire representative of the glory and magnificence of the Empire! Had Christ risen again in Rome… he would have been crucified a second time as a wretched impostor… (Dostoevsky!)! It is not “food” that creates hunger; but rather hunger that urges humans to look for food; ultimately, the right food to satisfy their particular hunger! Time has developed a space in our mental formation…a structure created and filled by primitive superstition that cannot remain empty! It is a sculpted mold that sociological-ethnic factors have been carving in our psyche since time immemorial… creating a need that demands perpetual refilling by metaphysical notions and principles that can fit this mold! Thus; South American Christianity beats to a Mayan rhythm…and except when they are in church…share every bit the social and moral values of Muslims, especially in War! If Sayyed Nousrallah calls for a secular state, discarding religion by joining the Kingdom of God, he will be accompanied by very few people to that higher level!! Down here, were militants will continue exhibiting religious zeal and passion … his post as leader of the flock will simply go to the next appropriate leader who would still guide the flock on a fanatic worldly road preordained for them!! لو لم تكن في ثقافتنا فجوات، لما تمكنت قوى الشر من التسلل إلى ديارنا والعبث بمصائرنا. هناك إذاً شيء فينا خطأ، موجود منذ القدم، ولا يزال. موجود من قبل أن تنشأ إسرائيل وبريطانيا والولايات المتحدة الأميركية، وقبل أن يسمع العرب بشيء اسمه الاستعمار! نعم يا سيد حسن، هنا تكمن العلة وهنا يجب أن يبدأ الصراع أولاً، وليس على الحدود! أنت تعرف يا سيد حسن، أن مصدر هذه العلة ليس القرآن الذي هو، أو يجب أن يكون، منارة الإيمان الوحيدة، بل من السيرة التي دوِّنت بعد وفاة الرسول وكتبها مؤرخون مختلفو الأهواء والمذاهب، ولعبت فيها المصالح السياسية والدنيوية كل مذهب، لمصلحة هذا الخليفة أو ذاك، هذا الحاكم أو ذاك، ثم انقسم المسلمون شيعاً ومذاهب، قامت على أساسها دول كبيرة، منها عثمانية أخذت بالمذهب السنّي الحنفي، وأخرى فارسية أخذت بالمذهب الشيعي الجعفري، وذلك كله بتدابير سياسية مخالفة للقرآن وروح الإسلام. Almost there…!! Unfortunately; the writer insists on “invented” or “contradicting interpretations”… “Historic mythical misunderstandings” …as reasons behind present religious disputes… ignoring their real origins! Mr. Koubaisy attributes the source of this plight to a “loophole in our culture” as if the masses are cultivated intellectuals; all they need is the right cultural orientation to stop them from quarreling! How superfluous! Mr. Koubaisy, The loophole is not cultural… it resides in our ethnocentric type of search for the supernatural… which invites a certain form of religious behavior in our lives…! The form or teachings that religions engender is almost superfluous; what matters is that those elements should fit a pre-established mold! Thus; religions take the face of the believer! In the case of Islam, the religious schism between Persia and Arabia had to take place… regardless of what religion these two nations happened to share! At the advent of Islam…Persia did not start from nothing… it had a 4000 years history behind it in dealing with the supernatural! It already had an ecclesiastic curia based on graduated promotion and ascendance similar to that of today’s Vatican! Its different religions, prior to Islam, always had an all-powerful religious high priest…whose place automatically gone to the Imam! “Wilayet el Fakeeh” is akin to the Catholic Papal conception of continuously having a sage representing God on earth to keep leading the faithful! It was only a Catholic-style Islam that Persia could, and did accept and fully adopt…in opposition to an almost Protestant puritan Islam of Arabia, where no intermediary, priest or Pope, was necessary between God and Man! The question of who was to succeed the Prophet was a minor circumstantial pretext! A squabble over any other difference would have sparked the same raging fire between urbanized sophisticated Persia… and desert-free Anarchic Arabia! Especially that, in the eyes of Persia, less civilized Arabia held the reins of power! Lebanon’s sectarian feuds are not based on religious grounds! Abandoning religion will not solve them! Their main source is the ancestral feudal ethnic divisions that separate their communities! And even though they take a Deistic appearance today… they actually have nothing to do with metaphysical interpretations of the Creator; most of the Lebanese fanatics know but little about their own religions! Take the Druze for instance, who remain ignorant of the essence of their faith till, later in life (If at All!!) they receive the “Revelation”, or produce it through an inner spiritual quest! Or the Maronites who slaughter people in the name of Christianity! The writer implores the Sayyed to disown such declarations as this: سمعتكَ تقول يا سيد حسن غير مرة، إن حزب الله هو الحزب الإسلامي الشيعي الإثني عشري الإمامي، وإنك لن تنسى القدس، ولن تنسى فلسطين، وسمعتُ أتباعكَ يقولون في أحد أناشيدهم حربنا ليوم الحشر وما في ولي إلا عليّ He forgets that if the Sayyed did that…fanatics would disown him, and will eventually follow another spiritual leader who approves and echoes their zeal! Mr. Koubaisy, The least one could say about your letter is that it is presumptuous! You should have admitted straight away that you are lecturing from a Baha’i platform! Bahai’s believe in the Oneness of God”. This leads them to believe in the “Oneness of Religion”!! The changeless Faith of God, eternal in the past, eternal in the future.!! In this sense, the Bahai Faith is related to all past religions… Its roots however, are in the religion which immediately preceded it, Islam”!!” You simply add to it (in an amateurish way!) that a secular state is a better way to reach a true understanding of the Creator! What gives you the notion that Secularism is a cure for fanaticism and racism!! Are you sure that you live, or have lived, in the “secular”, yet “racist” Europe of today?! Sayyed Nousrallah is not a hermit… free to take the easiest and shortest road to heaven! He is a leader; in that, he is a shepherd… and a good shepherd always walks behind his flock… not ahead of it! In embracing such vehement declarations… he is sure to rally all his supporters… including the most hot-blooded among them…abandoning no one to their erratic fanaticism! In assembling even the most extremist fanatic of his flock around him… he is sure to muzzle and control their outbursts of rage and anger… ready to flare up in Lebanon at any moment… as he has marvelously succeeded in doing… till now!! It is easy for individualists to find their esoteric way to heaven…leaving everyone behind!! Being a spiritual leader in times of war… is a task very few people can manage!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 17:05:33 +0000

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