Mr. Smith goes to Washington – I really hate to break this to - TopicsExpress


Mr. Smith goes to Washington – I really hate to break this to you people, we no longer live in a constitutional representative republic. Most of our so-called representatives in congress are posers; they do not represent us in the least. All public officials swear a sacred oath to uphold our constitution, it is all a ruse, we no longer have an in force constitution and most in Congress are not virtuous men. Over several decades, the laws of our constitution have been severely eroded, and degraded to a point of near extinction. For instance, the Commerce Clause was created to promote commerce between the states, now it is used to control commerce with an iron fist. Every time our Congress passes a new law that body if Congress becomes a constitutional convention, they ignore the very document they swore to uphold. If the law happens to be so reprehensible that it does not “look” constitutional to the serfs, our Supreme Court simply rewrites the law and deems the new and improved decree the law of the land. We are not free we have rulers. Nothing is real any longer, it is all surreal and a bad dream, our poser career politicians are now the Wizards of Oz.. Congress spends six months discussing the abolition of our 2nd Amendment right and no time on the economy and reducing the government burden on small business. Republicans are going to allow ObamaCare so when failure occurs destroying our economy the Wizards may weasel their way back in power. Wizards of smart, the Republicans will tweak ObamaCare and make it a smarter law when they are in power.. Sorry, you Sara Palin detractors, everything she has talked about months and months ago are coming true about ObamaCare, now what do you have to say? Moreover, the Wizards of smart on the television, people like Charles Krauthammer and Carl Rove are proving to be not that smart at all. While two of our citizen legislator’s Ted Cruz and Mike Lee fight for “we the people” the Democrat light Party AKA Establishment Republicans… or cross dressers go on television and ravage the only two people in Washington who know what the hell they are supposed to be doing, representing the people of this country. In the dark of night, the Establishment Republicans are voting “for” funding ObamaCare. Harry Reid is giving cover for the Establishment Republicans, they will vote down the funding for ObamaCare in the house then not vote for a filibuster in the Senate. Essentially they are voting against the funding in the house while funding it in the Senate.. Playing games to fool “we the people.” Can anyone say term limits, and the 17th Amendment must be reversed! I know there are die hard Republicans who read my compendiums; would you like to discuss your Parties treasonist behavior? Mitch McConnell collaborates with the enemy the Democrats to fund ObamaCare, can you defend his actions? Mr. Smith goes to Washington; Ted Cruz is incredibly accomplished and happens to be a citizen legislator of the highest timbre. Mr. Cruz has more testicular fortitude than all of the quisling representatives put together! One man can make a difference and Ted Cruz is proving it!! Cruz has chosen to not only defy his own lame party but he is standing toe to toe against Barack Obama and Harry Reid.. Ted Cruz is educating the American People unlike the career politicos in the establishment Republican Party. Please take note, the “Waco Birds” John McCain and his protégé Schmucky Schumer did not have the tenacity to debate Mr. Cruz face to face, they would have gotten their literal asses verbally kicked. Term limits need to happen!! Clayton Weavers Conservative Warriors
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 13:35:07 +0000

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