Mr. So called mayor I know either you or your stoolies are - TopicsExpress


Mr. So called mayor I know either you or your stoolies are reading this. By the way i addressed you above you do realize i show disrespect and its meant. Im old school and i believe to recieve respect you must also give it. I voted for you and i respected you. In my mind i thought youde turn this city around from all the damage mayor minimo did to it. Your connections in the white house should have propelled this city ahead and win back the respect of the world that mayor minimo destroyed boy was i wrong. Instead you choose to destroy the middle class and your workforce present and past. You know damn well we didnt create this pension mess so cut your bullshit. We once had trust and hope in your strengths but in a mere 3 years you showed your true colors. You totally dont understand this city. The poor the middle class built this city with their hands. The workforce maintained the city they built and improved on it. The workforce protected this city many with their lives. The workforce taught the children the roads of life. But yet you show total disrespect to them. How many of the retirees will loose their homes and their ways of life are you really this ignorant that you dont get this. You know damn well there are ways to fix this so cut your bullshit. I have a feeling and damn i hope im wrong but the games you play may let you get another 4 years. We know you have recruited some or maybe even all your opponents in the race. Your not as slick as you think. So if you do get back in how about stopping this pension fight fix it fairly not rape us. Use the lawyers that we as taxpayers pay to attack us in court to find loopholes in all the bad deals mayor minimo led us into. Your so slick on screwin us how about using that slickness to help us and this city. This city is in dire need of police across the boards all this bullshit redeployment that teacup deputy dog does to please you screws the other neighborhoods. Its not working kids are being shot and live in fear ask your own blood how fear feels. That right there should be a wakeup call. This is our city not the FKN 1% you and them better realize that its our money that fuels their greedy pockets. If you do win and we loose our court battles you can have my home where i raised my children and worked hard for. I wont move far because of my grandchildren but ill pay you back ill move to a burb even harwood heights but i will tell you this it would be a cold day in hell if i ever pay any taxes to you. I will drive 10 miles rather than walk across the street in chicago to buy anything and im sure there are many more that feel the same. In summary you kept the mistrust of minimo into your administration. We dont trust you we dont respect you in essence its either you or us. We will see wont we. I wont lie and wish you luck but i will wish all present and past workers that we get rid of you because youve earned it
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 04:11:04 +0000

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