Mr T’s new show and he talks about his strong Christian Faith. - TopicsExpress


Mr T’s new show and he talks about his strong Christian Faith. He may be a little older, and all his gold chains are gone. (He stopped wearing them after Katrina, feeling it would be bad to do so while so many people were suffering). But his trademark Mohawk and scowl are unmistakable. Yes, its Mr. T—back and better than ever. Hes grown stronger in his faith in the years since he played the legendary Sgt. B.A. Baracus on The A-Team and tough-guy boxer Clubber Lang in Rocky III. And now hes got a new show, I Pity the Fool, where he motivates workers to be better at their jobs, reunites families whove grown apart, and helps inspire people to be better human beings. Mr. T recently spoke to Beliefnet about how his Christian faith helps him help others on the show, the importance of prayer in his life, and going through his Job test when diagnosed with cancer. beliefnet/Entertainment/Celebrities/Words-Of-Wisdom-From-Mr-T.aspx# How the book of Job got him through cancer. Oh yeah. Each time my faith gets stronger and stronger. And the real test of my faith [was when] I had to go through my Job test in 1995, when I was diagnosed with cancer. I remember before that, back in 1984, 1983, and1982, little kids would come to see me and stuff like that. I had this little kid who was dying and [whose] last request through the Make-A-Wish Foundation was to see me. His name was Ryan, and he had cystic fibrosis. Thats when my life literally changed. I couldn’t say these same things as I did to tohers to him. I needed a word from God, I needed to find those words and that’s why I called my pastor. Through the Starlight Foundation or the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I would come to kids, I would spend time with them, play with them, sing with them, pray with them, hold them. And every time they would leave, I would cry. I would thank God I saw them. There’s a special glow in me after that. I know I’m a sinner saved by Grace. I ain’t going to say I was 100% all the time, but I never really faltered. I cried, I ate, I got mad, I said, I wouldn’t do things. That was my Job test. Job said, Still you slay me, and yet I trust you. As I’m going through things, if I didn’t read the book of Job I guess I would have fallen apart. I could have said, What kind of God does this and that? But no, I understood Job, I read it. I know what he went through. His friends and his wife came and said, You’re a fool. You leave God alone. And he said, No woman, you speak like a fool. The story of Job gave me strength when I had cancer. I said, “T, if you just hang in there, God will give you double for your troubles.” That’s what I was taught in church and that’s what happened to Job. What he lost, he gained more in the end. Job said, “Though you slay me, yet will I trust you.” God giveth and God taketh away. Blessed be his holy name. And that’s how I live. You know I came with nothing, I’m going to die with nothing. But in between them to points that’s what it’s all about. People want to take [you] away from your faith. They say, What kind of God is that? I said to myself, Well thank goodness I know enough stuff about the Bible. Thank goodness Ive read about people like him. The importance of prayer in his life “I get up every morning and say, Father, give me strength today, not strength so I can lift 500 pounds, but give me strength, Lord, so when I speak, my words might motivate, might inspire somebody, Lord, when they see me, let them see you. When they hear me, Lord, let them hear you. In your holy name I pray. I say to the Lord, when they see me, let them see you And I say Lord, when they hear me let them hear you-that means I can’t be telling them nasty jokes I used to tell. Because the Bible says, every time Christ sees a new creature, old things are passed away. I’m not the same man I used to be, I’m not out hell-raising, stuff like that. I am a changed man. I said that God abides by me and I abide by him. I said I let God live in me. So I tell people when I step out, I’m representing the God I serve, I’m representing the mother who loved me and who used to knock on the neighbor’s door so I could have money to go to school”.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 22:49:10 +0000

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