Mr. Ward is a Member of The Board of Directors of The Confederate - TopicsExpress


Mr. Ward is a Member of The Board of Directors of The Confederate Society of America. ______________________ Subject: RE: Congressional Black Caucus Renews Call for Slave Reparations in Light of Ferguson. Sorry for the late reply folks - been away from an internet connection the last few days. This reparations thing will never go away. I have blasted my Congressmen and State officials on numerous occasions for their slavery apology resolutions in the past. But these Marxist puppets have an agenda, extremely emboldened by their Muslim Mole who is providing, not only a larger platform, but who is doing what he does best - community organizing. And community organizing is more about racially dividing than uniting. Obama doesnt know how to be a President, but then again, he doesnt have to. That is not his mission. His mission is to use the office to elevate his community organizing skills to advance a radical, Marxist agenda - and I give him high marks for a job well done. Youll remember his comments about how the Cambridge police acted stupidly, as well as weighing in on Trayvon Martin. He does this because THAT is the only thing he is good at - stirring social bullshit, just as his policies pit the wealthy against the poor. He talks about rule of law, yet has no problem incessantly by-passing rule of law, and agreeing with Al Charlatan that looters are liberators. Obama and the looters of society share common vices - lying, stealing, cheating, and being in your face about it. And when he joins in the chant about black lives matter, he has made it very clear that the lives of a white Ambassador and three other white men in Benghazi mean absolutely nothing. Course, this is acceptable as he was aiding and abetting his Muslim Brotherhood. My concern is that the cops rules of engagement will be emasculated like the military rules of engagement - which has killed or caused extreme maiming to our servicemen. He and his henchmen are going to place the lives of cops and civilians at more risks if he forces a throttle-back against thuggish, violent behavior that wont be policed by the black community as a whole. Reparations is much more about elevating the black subculture than about actual productive, example setting members of society. Jimmy
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 12:00:32 +0000

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