Mrs. Boone’s Third Grade OCTOBER 28 – Nov 1, 2013 Character - TopicsExpress


Mrs. Boone’s Third Grade OCTOBER 28 – Nov 1, 2013 Character Trait: Quote of the Week: Social Studies Lesson Plans ACOS Standards: Native American Theme Procedure: Students will work in teams of three to five to complete task assigned by teachers. (Rotation each day) Students will interview grandparents or another family elders. Students will share their interview with the class and post them for display. Listen to lesson on tape (follow along in student’s text book) Discuss the content. Teacher models how to answer questions at each checkpoint. Turn and Talk - Lesson Four: Students answer questions, give comments, and opinions. Monday: Passage on Horses and how they were introduced to Native Americans. Tuesday: Fill in the Blank Puzzle – How Native Americans used buffaloes. Wednesday: Use map skills to show Native American’s Cultural Areas. Thursday: Continue using map skills to show Native American’s Cultural Areas. Science Lesson Plans ACOS Standards 4.LS.5a Animals and their Habitats PROCEDURE: Students will work in teams of three to five to complete task assigned by teacher. (Rotation each day) Students will make reports on animals and their habitat – Display will be set up. Background knowledge Animals can be found living in almost any place on Earth. The place where an animal normally lives is called its habitat. There are many different kinds of habitats, such as in grass, under the ground, in trees, in ponds or rivers, on the seashore, and in the ocean. Science activity – GROUP Question – Turn and Talk Where would animals normally live? Science investigation Essential Questions: List the plants and animals that live in the habitat. What type of habitat is it? What is the source of food and shelter for the animals? Students research animal and bring report to share with class. Resource: I pad, notebook, computer, Science Text Animal homes Background knowledge Animals can be found living in almost any place on Earth. The place where an animal normally lives is called its habitat. There are many different kinds of habitats, such as in grass, under the ground, in trees, in ponds or rivers, on the seashore, and in the ocean. Science activity: Choose an animal and tell where it would normally live. Preview Vocabulary: Tundra, Grassland, Forest – Deciduous Forrest, Coniferous Forest, Rain Forest, Water – Salt Water, Fresh Water, Desert Start a Pictionary – draw and write friendly definitions. Workbook pages – 19A – 22A Science Text page Web pages:
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 05:43:35 +0000

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