Mrs. Obama vs.The Short Lady This one is for all of you real - TopicsExpress


Mrs. Obama vs.The Short Lady This one is for all of you real first amendment loving conservative types (Yes, I said the C word) who are on the verge of letting loose on society like a non-violent New York rioter, by giving the next person who says Happy Holidays a high five in the face. Mental note: some things in this blog are not meant to be taken literally And here is a nod to all of those say no to censorship only if you agree with me types (The ones who need the high five in the face), who are the same ones who attended the peaceful Ferguson and New York riots, or is it rallies? I dont know, rally, riot, same thing, right! Anyways, if I were able to attend one of those R type of events I would have held up a sign that read: I wish you a Merry Christmas, but stop being such an idiot. •••• The perk with having my own blog, is that I can write about whatever and however I like, and I revel in this new found freedom of speech. So, here we go: Mrs. Obama recently had the opportunity to step away from her boring first lady title and bring a little excitement into her hum drum party life by playing out the role of a real life spy. However, because of her inexperience in the intelligence field she accidentally blew her cover on the David Letterman show where she was caught on camera blurting out to the American public a recent covert mission, that took place at her hometown Target. She was heard to say and of course I quote, While I was dressed incognito I had generously helped a rather short but friendly woman retrieve the detergent from the top shelf As more evidence on the matter has come to light we find that Michelle was actually on a reconnaissance mission and had to set her sights on the perfect target for her latest exploitation game and that target so happened to be a five foot nothing white woman. This woman whom she had chosen for her special op had been waiting for someone like the tall and lanky Michelle to come along and help her with this life long short person problem, and so with her pearly white smile Mrs. Obama seized upon the opportunity to use her race card tactical maneuver on an unsuspecting Target shopper. It would only be a couple years after her Letterman hoax that Michelle would commission her fellow spy pals to drive her to Time Inc. for an exclusive interview where she would reveal her true mission (code name: operation black woman). Her assignment had been to find a white woman that she could use as a pawn to fuel the fire of the already race agitated public, by telling another one of those little Obama white lies. Just another failed mission for the first lady. Remember her last blunder? Her tactical diversion as a would be super model on the cover of the November issue of Red Book. Michelle I think that you should keep your day job as a bored housewife and leave the public exploitation for your more experienced husband. •••• I know that this was one of those lengthy kind of blog posts that blogging experts would say kill a blog, but since Im already a zombified blog with no living followers I will just toss that observation in the nearest wastebasket for now. Que Sera, Sera
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 05:13:03 +0000

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