. Ms.Sonia Gandhi has also fully utilized the - TopicsExpress


. Ms.Sonia Gandhi has also fully utilized the martyrdom of her husband Rajiv Gandhi to advance her political career as well as to take control of the Nehru family’s monetary inheritance. The Rajiv Gandhi Foundation was set up under her chairmanship and Rs.200 crores collected during Narasimha Rao’s tenure as PM, for use in education and public affairs. Yet an analysis of the accounts of the Foundation show that only 3% of the income is being used for the stated objectives while 97% is deployed for other goals including for private travel of Ms.Gandhi and her chosen ones. This is a violation of the Trust Act and thus Ms.Gandhi and other trustees can be proceeded under Section 92 of the CPC. There is already a PIL in the Delhi High Court in this matter. 3. Circumstantial evidence is also fast accumulating that makes it now imperative for the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to probe whether the mother (Ms.Paola Maino) and sister (Ms.Anushka Vinci) of Ms.Sonia Gandhi, have had a long term continuing association since 1984 with the terrorist organization, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), The Supreme Court had delivered on May 12, 1999 a stinging judgement that held the LTTE responsible for the assassination of India’s former Prime Minister Mr.Rajiv Gandhi. The Government had set up a Multi Disciplinary Monitoring Agency (MDMA) in August 1998, led by the CBI, to probe leads such as that have now surfaced regarding the Maino-LTTE links. 4. The Circumstantial evidence of these links include Sonia Gandhi’s plea for commuting the death penalty for her husband’s killers; in providing one acre of land near the Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi, for housing the Periyar Centre for the pro-LTTE and secessionist Dravida Kazhagam (DK) which had been indicted in Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination by the Jain Commission (Part III, Vol.IV, Chapter VII, Pages 161-73, of the Final Report) and whose seven key members have been sentenced along with nineteen others of the LTTE by the Supreme Court, for participating in the assassination conspiracy. There are several other examples of Ms.Sonia Gandhi going inexplicably soft on the LTTE, including remaining silent on the failure of the government to extradite the LTTE Supremo Prabhakaran. 5. The CBI-led Multi Disciplinary Monitoring Agency (MDMA) set up after the Jain Commission Final Report, should therefore send interrogatories to the Maino family in Italy about all this, and investigate the extent of their connections with LTTE. 6. Ms.Sonia Gandhi’s family in Italy constitutes a major national security risk for India, but paradoxically they enjoy the cover of the Indian state for their nefarious activities. The RAW, India’s foreign intelligence agency has reports of this national security risk. While in service (during Rajiv Gandhi’s tenure as PM), the Additional Director of RAW, B.Raman had in a report stated: “Ms.Sonia Gandhi’s umbilical cord is strongly tied to Italy. Her close relatives are Italian citizens living in Italy. India has important national security interest in Italy because of its arms, nuclear and technology supply relationships with Pakistan and China.” Raman concluded that no source in Italy or in EU would cooperate with Indian Intelligence on this issue since they would fear that one day perhaps these sources may fall into Italian hands. After retirement from RAW, Raman even published these views in Statesman (May 16, 1999) in an article under his own name. Italy, incidentally, is flouting US sanctions and providing avionics to the Sino-Pakistan Joint project to manufacture the F-1 Chinese design plane update, which is to be a successor to the US F-16 super fighter jets. Indian Intelligence is busy trying to build sources in Italy to track details of this collaboration. Ms.Vasundara Raje, Minister in charge of Personnel (i.e.,CBI) to initiate a CBI inquiry , but it was dropped by the pressure of collusion government by no OTHER THAN BY MR ATAL BIHARI BAJPAI ON THE ADVICE OF SPECIAL SECRETARY SRI BRIJESH MISHRA due to the dead lock in Parliament proceedings by this Italian lady for 4 months till dropping of charge sheet in APRIL 2001, other wise we would avoided many scams being prevented on the cost of life of DOWN TRODDEN
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 04:30:27 +0000

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