Msoni Joins Many Doubting Sata’s Still Cabinet Images All - TopicsExpress


Msoni Joins Many Doubting Sata’s Still Cabinet Images All Peoples Congress leader Nason Msoni has joined many including the respected British Broadcasting Corporation, Muvi TV and UPND doubting the images released by State House showing a ‘fit’ President Michael Sata addressing Cabinet. Below is a statement from MSONI All peoples congress (APC) seriously doubts the authenticity of the published pictures that allegedly portrays the President chairing cabinet after a long period of solitude from the public. Our view is that this assertion is untrue and a figment and creation of a clique up to no good. It rather opens up to more questions than it provides answers. Any serious President after a long period of silence should have opted to speak directly to the nation and state clearly why he found it necessary to take time off duty and also to allay growing fears of poor ill health in view of the protracted negative publicity he has suffered at the hands of the local and international media. It is with a deep sense of shock and reservation and great doubt that we view these pictures with utmost sadness and fear on-one hand and dismiss this assertion on the other hand as some form of political deception meant to deceive and hoodwink our gullible citizens that all was well when in-fact not. We challenge Mr. Sata if it is true to come-out in the open and prove that he has the stamina and oomph to run government and to chair cabinet meetings. Our doubts on the authenticity of these pictures is well founded and arise on the fact that these same pictures where once released last year to dispel similar rumors about the President’s illness and his absence to the online publication called Lusaka times showing him entering the boardroom and similarly these same pictures were also once published by the post newspapers showing the president chairing the meeting. In the circumstances it is now incumbent upon the President himself to come-out in the open and demonstrate that he is up to the Job and he is fit to execute the functions of the ever demanding office of Republican President. Our view is that this is a very wicked act by those desperate individuals who are intent-on clinging-on to Jobs and this act alone is clearly borderline criminal and whose consequences are very grave if later discovered. No-sane person after causing so much heart-ache in the nation can only pop-out in pictures and fail to demonstrate the human side of humility by greeting fellow citizens that were worried and praying and fasting for his wellbeing relentlessly. We find this whole episode nauseating and a bizarre unfit to pass for a normal functioning system of a respectable government. Please spare us the details from this sickening comedy of errors unfit to pass even for kindergarten politics. zambiareports/2014/07/15/msoni-joins-many-doubting-satas-still-cabinet-images/
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 17:54:54 +0000

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