Mt Rushmore and the walls of Jericho Mrs. Butler taught the - TopicsExpress


Mt Rushmore and the walls of Jericho Mrs. Butler taught the junior high Sunday school class at Rev Boonelevels church. She tried to make the class interesting and did all she could to make sure the children actually learned things. One Sunday she was sharing with the class regarding something she had seen on TV the night before. Children, I saw a special the other night about Mt. Rushmore. Most of you have probably seen Mt. Rushmore in pictures or on TV. Can any of you tell me what is special about it? The kids stared at her with that “I don’t know” look. But Freezell and Elrod wrinkled their foreheads in deep thought, both trying to remember what was so significant about Mt. Rushmore. The silence was broken when Freezell blurted out, It is where Moses got the Ten Commandments. Sorry, Freezell,” Mrs. Butler responded, “but Mt. Rushmore is not in the Bible. I am talking about a mountain in the United States. This mountain is famous because of the presidents who are on it. Can you tell me which US presidents are on Mt. Rushmore? The whole class became became more focused on the conversation now partly because they were developing a mild curiosity regarding the correct answer but mostly because the pressure was now focused on Freezell rather than themselves. They were safe from interrogation as long as Freezell was on the “hot seat.” With his eyes squinted almost shut, his tongue sticking out one corner of his mouth, and his head tilted to one side, he was searching his memory banks for the answer. Suddenly his mouth and eyes opened full wide. He had figured it out and had the answer. Yes, Maam, I think I know who they are. I believe its Carter, Clinton, and Bush. Probably not Obama cause he’s probably on vacation. But Freezell! Mrs. Butler exclaimed, where is your brain? Its Roosevelt, Lincoln, Jefferson, and Washington. They are the ones up there on the mountain. But Mrs Butler, Freezell responded, that cant be so, cause theyre all dead.. She just stared at him for a minute. Then explained to him about the carvings. Assuming the class would do better with Bible facts she asked them another question. Who tore down the walls of Jericho? For a moment there was no response. The class was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. Everyone sat with that look of guilt that comes naturally and automatically with being a suspect. No one knew the answer, and all of them assumed they were about to be charged with the deed. Freezell broke the silence. Mrs. Butler, word about things like this usually gets around real fast, ‘cause people like to get somebody in trouble or cause the ones who did it like to brag. There aint been no talking or bragging on the subject, so I think its pretty certain that none of us had anything to do with it. The most we have done lately is break a window on accident with a baseball. But to tear down a whole wall is beyond our usual practice. Again the teacher stared in disbelief, and then made another attempt. Children, Who was Gideon? Freezell knew this one for sure and without hesitation shouted out, He was the man who went about putting Bibles in all the motels of Israel!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 02:53:08 +0000

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