Mubahala: Holy Quran[3:59-63] Surely, the case of - TopicsExpress


Mubahala: Holy Quran[3:59-63] Surely, the case of Jesus, in the sight of Allah is like the case of Adam. He created him from dust, then said to him, Be, and he came to be.(59) The truth is from your Lord. So, do not be of those who doubt.(60) So if someone argues with you in this after what has come to you of the knowledge, say, Come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then pray and invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars.(61) This is, indeed, the true narration. And there exists no god but Allah. And Allah is surely the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. (62) So, should they turn back, Allah is all-aware of the mischievous.(63) According to hadith collections, it is narrated that during the 9th–10th year after hijra an Arab Christian envoy from Najran (currently in northern Yemen and partly in Saudi Arabia ) under the leadership of their chief priest Abd al-Masih came to Muhammad at Medina to ask him about his views about Jesus(as). Before dawn of the next day, Prophet Muhammad(sa) sent a close companion, Salman al-Farisi(rd), to construct a shelter for the people who the Prophet was going to take with him. The greateat and best Mesaenger of Allah appeared the appointed day carrying Husayn in his arm with Hasan holding his hand,followed by Fatima and concluding with Ali. And the Messenger of Allah declared, Lord these are the People of my House, Ahl al-Bayt and covered his family with a cloak. The leaders of the Christian group recognized the gravity of the situation, prophethood of Muhammad and the Prophets confidence in the outcome of the incident. The Christian leaders became frightened and advised their followers to pull out of the Mubahala stating that, By God! He would not have come with them (the Ahl al-Bayt) if he was afraid that the proof would be against him. Therefore, be warned against the contest of prayer with him. By God! If it was not for the position of Caesar (the Byzantine emperor), I would submit to him. But (now) make peace with him on what can be agreed between you and him. Return to your land and think about it yourselves. The Christians took the advice of Priest Abd al-Masih and formed a peace treaty with Muslims, the Christian proposal being you remain on your religion, while we remain on our religion. I do not care to put refrence because all the books of history and Tafsir recorded it, all Islams school of thoughts accepted the occurance of this event on the 24th of Dhul Hajj. Lessons Of Mubahala: -The event clealy points to who are the AhlulBayt(as).The above-named verses proofs that the identity of AhlulBayt are know and clear to all. -The AhlulBayt are pure by the decree of Allah[Quran 33:33] and they are superior to all companions of the Prophet by this distinction. -Allah specifically made mention of Hassan and Hussein in the Quran by declaring them as our sons. -Sayyeda Fatima(as) represented the Muslim women as our women because she is the greatest of them all. -Allah united the soul of the Prophet and Ali in this event by declaring ourselves. Conclusion: The tyrannical Ummayad rulers that came after the Marytrdom of Imam Ali tried to erase the superiority of the AhlulBayt because these historical criminals not only opposed AhlulBayt but they fought them and murdered them. But unfortunately for them the Quran can never be changed by anybody and the superiority of the AhlulBayt is embedded in the Quran. Those historical criminals and their hirelings concocted false traditions to erase the superiority of AhlulBayt and diminish their position.Even when traditions mentioned AhlulBayt they are judged as weak to satisfy the evil desires of those wicked tyrants.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 07:03:26 +0000

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