Much More Good Evening Tell It Community! There are those - TopicsExpress


Much More Good Evening Tell It Community! There are those who believe the promises of God are more than a confession. Some believe its just words but were not entitled to having those promises today. Some get upset and say, Youre a part of that name it - claim it bunch. Why? Whats wrong with looking at what Gods Word says, believing it and then acting upon it? Absolutely nothing! Religion will keep you from having what God said you can have but allow you to have everything that the devil has to offer. Do you ever notice how easy it is for people to accept the curse but how hard it is for them to accept the Blessing? If youre not careful, theyll try to talk you out of what God has for you. You cannot allow human intellect to drive your faith. I would testify here about some things but Ive had to keep silent about things The Lord has done. Im not upset about that but by direction of the Holy Ghost, I was told not to tell of some things that The Lord has done. Why? Some people cant handle FAITH or the BLESSING. Theyll think youre stupid, crazy, impulsive, greedy or think that you think youre all that. All because you choose to stand on the Word. Ive been told that some of my manifested blessings are ridiculous but when you have a testimony that has eye witnessed the provision, favor and blessing of The Lord, without mans assistance, you dont care what people think. I want to encourage the believer this evening by saying, your faith for the impossible is not out of order or out of line. Youre not aiming too high. Youre not being unrealistic. Youre actually being realistic when youre in faith. Youre unrealistic when youre in doubt and unbelief. We could never talk or expound enough about faith. Are you kidding me? The devil has no problem with you talking unbelief, the curse, sickness, death, fear and poverty. Why? Its the substance of his kingdom but our conversation is to be of faith which is the substance of all things that are hoped for. Were talking evidence when we talk faith. If there was a problem with believing God for miracles, abundance, blessing, healing, breakthrough, turn arounds, increase and so much more, The Word of God would say so. However, this is why we know that God is for all of this and more..... So do not be afraid; you are worth much more than many sparrows! (Matthew 10:31 GNT) - (We are worth much more than many sparrows) Whos the cause of our worth? God! He made us worth much more. In order for us to understand our worth, we must understand that our value comes from a God of much more. Hes not the God of enough. Hes the God of more than enough! If you then, evil as you are, know how to give good gifts [gifts that are to their advantage] to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask and continue to ask Him! (Luke 11:13 AMP) - (How much more) The question is really a blank check, given to us by God. We are to answer this question with our faith and trust in Him. We answer this question as well with our lack of faith. We can limit or prohibit the blessing flow or we can release it. Its all done by our understanding of how much more. Some are happy, content and satisfied with their little but when you get the mind of God, youll realize that your little is not so you can sit on it but rather to sow it and bring in increase. If people want to stay in Brokeville, Sickville, Littleville, Cantville, Almostville, Maybeville, Assumeville, Fearville, Doubtville, then so be it but you can pack your bags and leave Egypt and move into your land of promise. Its not a good message to shout over and go home folks. This is reality! God sits on His throne and yet asks, How much more? Its about time we fill in the blank.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 01:47:03 +0000

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