Much confirmation to the things the Lord had me speaking in - TopicsExpress


Much confirmation to the things the Lord had me speaking in sessions this week! Amen! Be encouraged by this prophetic word from Elaine Tavolacci: The Lord says; I am inviting those of you who have been spiritually dormant to come up to a higher place. I have greater things for you to accomplish. Dont look to man for revelation. Dont idolize those who have great gifts because I desire to use you in a greater way. By staying idle you are delaying yourself from the plans and purposes that I have ordained for you. My plan is to take you out of idle mode, and release you into fast forward. This is the season to move forward to fulfill My plans and purposes. Just as Joshua and Caleb went forth with great faith and determination, I have given you power and authority to rise up and take the land. I am calling Lazarus to come out from among the dead, throw off his grave clothes and walk in his destiny. Shake off the mediocrity and come in to the fullness of what I have for you. Recognize Who I have Created You to Be Dont allow unbelievers to discourage you with their words of doubt. Dont allow sinners to entice you into their foolish ways. Take no offense when you are confronted with the views and opinions of others, but recognize who I have created you to be. Never compromise who you are and what you believe in, but take a stand for righteousness at all times. It is time for My people to let their voices to be heard. As My light is exposed, the darkness will instantly lose its power. Do not be concerned about your reputation and do not fear the spirit of anti-Christ because you were called with a purpose and you have been called to greatness. I am looking for yielded vessels who will walk in humility, submit to My leading, and live a life of boldness as well as holiness. As you humble yourselves before Me, and seek Me in intimacy, you will be amazed at what I will do with your life in the days ahead says the Lord.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 23:17:18 +0000

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