Much is being said and written about off-the-field transgressions - TopicsExpress


Much is being said and written about off-the-field transgressions of NFL players Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson. While neither circumstance’s are acceptable in my opinion, the judgment of others is familiar to me. If the front page of the newspaper was devoted to the worst circumstances or period of your life, would it affect what you think and how you live for a while? Each of us have a story and it involves less than stellar or perfect decision making throughout the course of our one life. These moments in time are often considered “learning the hard way”. But what is as poignant and important as lessons learned are the critiques spewed by others who carry their own baggage, most often held in the secret recesses of one’s heart and existence. What I have learned from experience about people is this: the most vocal, opinionated, harshest, and holier-than-thou derivations are typically from people that have gone through some difficult circumstances while absent people that were generous, loving, grace-filled, and with the realization that “there but by the grace of God go I”. When people begin to see themselves in the transgressor rather than transgress-less, then meaningful dialogue and service to others may prevail. Throwing people away may seem easy and painless until you are the one being thrown away which is difficult and painful. While I have never slugged a woman or whooped one of my children with a switch, I have paid my own price at the hands of glass house dwellers with stones to spare. I hope that Mr. Rice and Mr. Peterson have individuals in their life that will speak into them what repentance and changing ways looks like rather than relegating their best counsel to simply appease the harshest and most opinionated critics. What kind of men they will remain is yet to be seen. Only time will tell.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 18:35:25 +0000

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