Mugabe must go. Even through violence he must go. Zimbabweans are - TopicsExpress


Mugabe must go. Even through violence he must go. Zimbabweans are sick and tired of this frail dictator. I think the prophesy of TB Joshua will come true next week. Viva new Zimbabwe. As for Mugabe and his cronies we will put them in jail for crimes against humanity. No pardon! No leniency. Justice means an eye for an eye. By Safiria TB Joshua Prophesies Tsvangirai Victory: Baba Jukwa By Religion Reporter Published: July 27, 2013 Comment Facebook top secret-leaker Baba Jukwa has made a shocking announcement - that Nigerian prophet TB Joshua has prophesied Morgan Tsvangirai’s victory. Although the exact words TB Joshua uttered on this prophecy were awaited at the time of writing, Baba Jukwa told ZimEye it was released during a Friday night service. At the time of writing this reporter was awaiting more details and the exact words used. Below was the announcement on Saturday morning: Dear Zimbabwe. TB Joshua prophesied victory for the opposition and foresee bloodshed of thousands of people all over the country. On the 9th of August the new government and President will be inaugurated marking the end of the old system. hot release…Baba Jukwa’s Siyabonga!! Asijiki!!! Baba Jukwa TB Joshua is known for making accurate predictions and some of his prophecies include the death of former President of Zambia, Levy Mwanawasa as well as US pop singer Michael Jackson. Some of his predictions have been listed by a Nigerian blogger: ZAMBIAN PRESIDENT’S DEATH: On Sunday 29th June 2008, Joshua said, “Pray for one of your leaders that will be rushed out of the country… I see the body being rushed out in order to save this soul. I’m seeing a flag. Is it flying down?” On Tuesday 1st July 2008, Former Zambian President Levy Mwanawasa was rushed to a hospital in Paris, France where he died after suffering a stroke. NEWS REPORT: Guardian INGRID BETANCOURT’S RELEASE: In the same service on Sunday 29th June 2008, he said, “I’m seeing a hero, famous and popular… being saved – suddenly was saved from death. Let us pray on Tuesday and Thursday – let’s capture Wednesday…”. Three days later on Wednesday 2nd July 2008, the former Colombian presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt was rescued after 6 years of captivity in the Colombian jungle. VIDEO: vimeo/32310691 NEWS REPORT: LA Times PAKISTAN PRESIDENT RESIGNS On Sunday, 4th May, 2008, T.B. Joshua prophesied concerning the nation of Pakistan. This was a follow up to the call for prayer he made on March 23, 2008 for the same nation. “I’m looking at the signature. a kind of signature – for somebody to sign and say, Hey, I’m resigning. What is the meaning of that?” On Monday 18th August 2008, in confirmation of the prophecy, President Pervez Musharraf announced his resignation as the President of the nation, Pakistan. VIDEO: youtube/watch?v=-_EO-DTwHmo NEWS REPORT: LA Times GHANAIAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2008 When the Ghanaian presidential elections were to be held in December 2008, Prophet T.B. Joshua prophesied on 26th October 2008, “We are praying for the nation Ghana… I see them recounting and re-voting again…a situation where we vote here and they say they must recount it, they must vote it again…” On 3rd January 2009, Professor John Evans Atta Mills was announced the winner after a vote which needed to be held three times before a president could be determined. Atta Mills came to The SCOAN following his inauguration to testify that Joshua had told him specific details of his three-round victory, culminating in his victory in January. VIDEO: youtube/watch?v=MCXpzsjqLyY, vimeo/32311927 NEWS REPORT: Modern Ghana PLANE CRASH IN NEW YORK: On Sunday 18th January 2009, Joshua gave a call to pray on the day of Friday, “Open your lips and pray for a nation ‘NY’. ‘NY’ is part of that country. Pray for God’s protection…” Later in the service, he continued, “February 13 – we should pray for the whole world.” On February 13th 2009, a Continental Airlines plane crashed into a home near Buffalo, New York, killing all 49 passengers on board and one person in the home. It was a Friday. VIDEO: vimeo/32312230 NEWS REPORT: NY Times SOUTH KOREAN PRESIDENT’S SUICIDE: On Sunday 26th April 2009, Joshua said, “On Saturday, somebody is being rushed to the hospital but from that hospital, he could not come back home.” He referred to the individual concerned as someone who “affects the world,” a person that mattered in society. On Saturday 23rd May 2009, former South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun was rushed to hospital where he was declared dead after tragically throwing himself off a mountain. VIDEO: youtube/watch?v=cNVk5Byxojk& NEWS REPORT: CNN JUPITER On Sunday the 24th May 2009, Prophet T.B. Joshua revealed that he was seeing “something that looks – mystery. People have never seen. In appearance, it’s looking small. But not in your country here, where ordinarily you cannot reach.” On 23rd July 2009 an amateur astronomer in Australia discovered an impact scar on planet Jupiter. It appeared very small on the cameras but in fact was the same diameter as planet Earth. This discovery caused a stir in the global scientific community. VIDEO: vimeo/32316331 NEWS REPORT: Scientific American MICHAEL JACKSON’S DEATH: On Sunday 4th January 2009, Joshua spoke about a great star about to embark on a journey of no return. “I’m seeing a great star. In his own area, he’s famous – he’s known everywhere. Great – too great… I see something will begin to happen to that star which may likely end in him going on the journey of no return.” Just over a month later on Sunday 22nd February 2009, Joshua continued to call for prayer for the individual in question, stating that the star was “too young to leave your midst.” On Thursday 25th June 2009, Michael Jackson, the international music icon and most famous pop star of modern times, died following a cardiac arrest in Los Angeles, California. The world was stunned by his passing at the early age of 50. VIDEO: vimeo/31601562
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 10:03:31 +0000

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