Muhammad Buhari an Evil Man? What?? Yes, he is. He sponsors - TopicsExpress


Muhammad Buhari an Evil Man? What?? Yes, he is. He sponsors Bokoharam. I being a researcher, devoted my time in knowing new things every seconds was inspired by the prophet of islam words: knowledge is a lost property, whenever u see it, grab it. Main topic: Buhari or whatever he is called is most hated by a lot of sourtherner and easterners. I decided to know what buhari did.because for a Chair to break, it has to be caught by Nature or human misuse.there should be a thousand reasons what made him a figure of disgust to my people. Thisevening, i was browsing some article and i decided to read about this assumed evil man and know what made people tagged him evil. I found out that all these were related to politics.i dont like politics but i Like Shariah Laws and Old testament Laws(Bible). Survellance: The Nigeria Political arena has been polluted wth a dentrimental and explosive bomb called, has eaten deep in almost all the Areas in Nigeria not to talk of sectors(economic, e.t.c). When it comes to ruling Nigeria, tribal and religious sentiment overcloud the 3 biggest tribes in Nigeria(Hausa,yoruba and ibo).each of this tribe dont mind to fill the Aso Rock with a handicaped(just,morally,educationally deficient) president.what they want is: let our tribe rule. In my belove Country, it is almost imposible to separate truth from falsehood. Northerners: The nortern Nigeria have ruled morethan any other tribe in Nigeria.unfortunately, it has to be on 2 rulers that came from North that showed what is called exquisite leadership.among these 2 persons is the first Prime Minister of Nigeria Alhaji Tafa balewa. He was known for truth.evidence shows that he never embezzle any litle or huge fund.wenever he was visited unoficially , he never spent nigeria budget for, but spent his own or borrow to etertain his visitors which he wil pay back later on. The Next is: umar musa Yaradua.he was the only present civilian president to declaire his asset public.there are several things that will exhaust my post which yaradua did with truth if i hav to illustrate.he even claim the election that bring him to power was a fraudulent one..the North should be ashamed of themselves.for ruling Nigeria with upto 10 rulers only 2 to 3 were splendid South : We south has the biggest shame.the so called president obasanjo who ruled and loothed ths country considered as a clean man.he boasted to fix Nigeria fluctuating power supply in 2 to 3 months .later wen he became president, he proclaimed:i didnt know that the Nigria p. Supply problem is so cumbersome. East: They have produce just 2 rulers, e.g: sir chief Dr. Nnadi Azikiwe. First Nigeria president and general aguiyi ironsi. Ther wer some controversies linked to them.but that isnt my business now. Back To Buhari: It has to be only few people in the south and east that looked at him with beautiful eyes.many just say: he isnt Good. I asked: what did he do? There was no answer. Later on, he is the bokoharam sponsoral.are u sure? Yes! Where is the proof because he said: we will make Nigeria ungovernable for jonathan. Are u serious? Yes! Lets see what does Arewa has to say about this statement. Anthony Sani the Spokesman of the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) said: We are not aware of any statement from any Northern elder who has said that they will make the country ungovernable for Jonathan, I am not aware let him rule and not make excuse to fail and blame it on Northerners, go and rule and when you failed don’t blame the North. Anybody that will say they will make the country ungovernable is not a democrat, and we have addressed the president many times, where are you getting all these? I want to know who said he will make the country ungovernable, once election have taken place, and the people have spoken they pay the price of their own judgment, they reap the benefit of their own judgment nairaland/815295/never-said-well-make-nigeria More research: If you go to a facebuk page called hope for Nigeria which i percieved as irony because it is actually despair of Nigeria.share propanganda about islam,muslim and even buhari.i found out the owner of the page was ibo.(Note) being a canadian or arabian doesnt mean there are not blacksheep in ur the page always celebrate jonathan and stellacious stella whose excesiveness (longing for bomb poof car) has been combed in a cuning manner favourable to her. There are several allegations spead by the page.either calling buhari a boko and muslim, or a northern boko. More hatered: I decided to screw down and read comment of each anti buhari.all wer just either insulting islam and buhari or nor th ,buhari and muslim.nobody cud point an acussing finger of corruption and embezzlement at him bcos he is known for being uncorupted and truth but strict.his enemies tried to frame him with different theory like the on of makin Nigeria ungovernable.he was even framed of attempting to islamize Nigeria. A none muslim friend of Mine by name chukwu emeka now in unizik said if corruption want to be eliminated from Nigeria, we need Buhari not jonathan.buhari can question obasanjo nd co but Goodluk is just a pupet in the hands of obasanjo.the satanic leaders in Nigeria knew that: if buhari becomes president, they are doomed.not the present president in Nigeria who couldnt declare his asset public claiming it to be optional and will be compulsory for every excutive officer if he declares his. He forgot that Yar,adua rahimalorhu never placed such a ridiculous banner bcos he had notting to hide.. Buhari was hated by somany people expecially christians from the North when he supported sharia law. INSIGHT TO BUHARI TRUTHFULNESS: Buhari served as the Chairman of the Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF), a body created by the government of General Abacha, and funded from the revenue generated by the increase in price of petroleum products, to pursue developmental projects around the country. A 1998 report in New African praised the PTF under Buhari for its transparency, calling it a rare success story When he was a millitary head of state, his administration subsequently initiated a public campaign against indiscipline known as War Against Indiscipline (WAI). Aspects of this campaign included public humiliation of civil servants who arrived late for work whilst guards were armed with whips to ensure orderly queues at bus stops.He rejected IMF loan and refused to adopt IMF conditionalities to devalue the Naira . [ 17 ] His government is praised for its gain in reducing inflation by refusing to devalue the nations currency, the Nigerian Naira , curbing imports of needless goods, curtailing oil theft and using counter trade policy to barter seized illegally bunkered crude oil for needful goods like machineries, enabling it to export above its OPEC quota
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 21:08:51 +0000

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