Muharram Day 3 In the early morning the next day Hazrat Ali - TopicsExpress


Muharram Day 3 In the early morning the next day Hazrat Ali Akbar raziala tahla anho the son of Hazrat Imam E Hussain recited the azaan. Namaaz was read behind Hazrat Imam E Hussain raziala anho. Once again they were given the choice to leave but they rejected this offer. Hazrat Imam E Hussain did not want the men to go in to battlefield and that their wives and children become orphans. It had been three days that they had nothing to eat and had not drunk anything. The river was under tight guard by the army of yazeed. The army of yazeed were shouting that they were ready to fight. The companions replied that we will sacrifice everything this is a time of test for us. Islam is more precious to us than anything and anyone. The army of yazeed shouted across. Eh Hussain whats the matter why are you taking your time ? are you still thinking about following yazeed? After hearing this from Umar O Saad hazrat Imam E Hussain took his horse in to the battlefield and said : “ listen to me and listen carefully. Remember who l belong to. Remember l am the grand son of the Holy Prophet salalaho alai wasalam. I am the son of your khaleefa. I am the son of the woman that even the angels were shy to come in front family is the family of the holy prophet. If you feel that l am at fault that is only because l will not accept beht with yazeed. I can not lower down to a person who is against all the teachings of the Holy Prophet salalaho alai wasalam. I will sacrifice everything . I will stay hungry and thirsty. I will sacrifice my Akbar and Asghar and will sacrifice myself happily but the son of Hazrat Fatima raztala tahla anha will not bow down. Hazrat Imam e Hussain said a lot more and explained that paradise will be theirs if they do not follow yazeed. They all looked at each other. The anguish and hatred from Hur’s face had disappeared. There was fear and emotion. Shimar was looking at Hur and he asked him what are looking so shocked about ? to this Hur replied l can see the noor of Hazrat Muhammed Salalaho alai wasalam on Hazrat Imam E Hussains forehead. At this Hur took his horse to Hazrat Imam E Hussain and fell in the feet of Hazrat Imam e Hussain and begged forgiveness. Please forgive me for coming with the army. But l did not know that their hearts were so black that they would wish to matyr you and deprive you of water.hazrat Imam E Hussain raised Hur from their feet and embraced him. Hur spoke to the yazeedie army but they would not listen Umar o Saadh shot an arrow at Hazrat Imam E Husain and said all of you bear witness that l shot the first arrow at Hazrat lmam E Hussain raziala tahla anho.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 06:32:56 +0000

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