Muhyiddin is all cock talk la. I applied to transfer my son to a - TopicsExpress


Muhyiddin is all cock talk la. I applied to transfer my son to a school that teaches Maths and Science in English (PPSMI). Before that I called the PIBG chair who said there is still vacancy at the school. Then I went to meet up with the school PK who also confirmed theres only 19 students in the mid class. So I sent my Borang Pindah sekolah on 21st November 2014. They told me it takes at least 3 weeks to check if approval obtained. I reminded them of their client charter which says 3 working days. The clerk told me that they have hundreds of applications to deal with. So after waiting for 5 working days I went to see the Guru Besar of the school. She told me that the school cannot make the decision as the Ketua Sektor Sekolah is the one that can make the decision. So I called the Ketua sektor but she did not answer my many calls and neither did she respond to my sms and whatsapp. So off I went to Ketua Sektors office but was told everyone was in Putrajaya for a seminar. So I waited again but nothing seemed forthcoming. So I asked a favour from a good friend to give me a Letter of Support from her Minister. The Minister issued the letter of support within the next day (thank you!). I wrote a letter to the Pengarah Pelajaran appending together with the Letter of Support from the Minister and rushed to send the letter to her. The Pengarahs Secretary told me that the letter would be ambil tindakan by the Ketua Sektor. So I waited and after being told she was in the office for a lunch meeting. I waited for more than an hour on the 1st of December, and when she came out, I quickly cornered her with a copy of my letter. Now she tells me that actually the Guru Besar of the School is the one that has the discretion to accept any student and because the school is a SEKOLAH BERPRESTASI TINGGI, she might not want to accept my son as they fear that the school might lose the SBT if my son doesnt perform well in his UPSR. I gasped in disbelief that the school is not interested in the MOE misi which is to membangunkan potensi individu demi memenuhi aspirasi negara. So today after 10 days, I still cannot put my son in the school that teaches Science and Maths in English.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 17:37:16 +0000

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