Mum question: Im struggling with my 3 yro sons obsession with my - TopicsExpress


Mum question: Im struggling with my 3 yro sons obsession with my breasts. He was weaned at 18 months, due to me being pregnant and diagnosed with mild hypothyroidism; I felt utterly drained and that weaning was the right choice for me and the pregnancy (bub is now 1, still breastfed). At that stage he was just having a bedtime feed, which was easily swapped for stories with hubby, he didnt even seem to notice for a few weeks when he suddenly became very gropey - all very understandable, and I took it in my stride, didnt make a bid deal, let him seek comfort by touching my breasts/putting his head down my shirt, whatever as it seemed age/stage appropriate and wanted to gently find other comforts/behaviours to soothe him when needed - I wanted to avoid him feeling overly rejected (especially with arrival of #2) or shamed. Over the past year Ive been more firm (and unfortunately, sometimes harsh) in saying no as it makes me feel quite uncomfortable/over-touched, especially as he gets older. I tell him just hugs, please, no touching my boobs, boobs are for babies, you had lots of boobie milk when you were a baby (not always convincing when he has friends his age who are still feeding) and have even started talking about private parts (on account of a book we stumbled across at the library Everybody has a Bottom, preparing kids to understand personal space and being assertive about protecting their private parts from others - another thread altogether!); Im also aware of trying instill a sense of personal autonomy about his (and his sisters) personal space, and reflecting my own needs here too. Anyone else going through/ been through this?
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 11:33:01 +0000

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