Mumbai Taxi Drivers Fraud.. My personal experience happened - TopicsExpress


Mumbai Taxi Drivers Fraud.. My personal experience happened today... Hello Friends, The purpose of this post is to make everyone aware a specific way Taxi brokers and Taxi drivers (for mostly outstation/ long driving locations) are fooling people coming out of Mumbai Airport... I have been fooled once 20 days back and i caught a guy today when he applied the same trick on me again. Below is Narrative..... Step- 1) When you come of the Airport a man approaches you and offers a taxi to any place you want to go. You tells his the name of the place and asks for the changes. He says yes please come with me sir... Step- 2) He calls a cab and offers you to site inside showing as it is very hot outside/ too much traffic outside. He sits in the front next to the drivers seat and make you sit just behind his seat (from where you cant see his hands or legs. Step- 3) He tells you a total price for the round trip and request you to pay advance amount to his and rest ca be given to the taxi driver at the end of the trip. The advance amount is usually more than Rs. 1000/ (like 1300/- or 1400/-), so that we can negiotate it to either Rs. 1,000/- of Rs. 1,500/-, but it must be a number in which you takes out either two Rs. 500/- rupees or one Rs. 1,000/- rupees. (Rs. 500/- note has color similar to Rs. 100/- note and Rs. 1,000/- note has color similar to 50/- note) Step- 4) By the time you take out the notes (assuming it is Rs. 1,000/- note) the driver (who sits on right forward side) sees the note and signals to the broker which note it is (Rs. 500/ Rs.1,000). Step- 5) Right before the moment you are about to hand over the money to the broker, the drivers asks you if the location area is known to you? and he starts saying names of the nearby famous places (this is just to distract your mind and make you think of the place you want to go instead of the money in your hand. Mostly we all goggled it and are well aware of the location we want to go, hence we starts explaining the taxi driver about our destination from the famous locations.) We dont think about the money because it is still in our hand and we feels that i am still holding Rs. 1,000/- note. Step- 6) The broker takes the Rs. 1,000/- note while we are talking to the driver about the known places nearby our destination and slips it near his legs and takes a Rs. 50/- note in the right hand again. This is just like a magician swings cards in the hands and makes it invisible. Step- 7) The broker keeps on swinging the Rs. 50/- note in front of your eyes and make you think that you have by mistake handed over Rs. 50/- note to his instead of Rs. 1,000/- note. Because the broker swings the note looking at you, you feel like correcting your mistake immediately and takes another Rs. 1,000/- note and give it to broker and takes Rs. 50/- back. In this way i have lost Rs. 1,000/- around 20 days back during my last Mumbai visit and i kept on thinking if it was a Rs. 50/- note or Rs. 1,000/- note which i have handed over to the broker initially. This time (Today_Nov 2, 2014) i have consciously watched every move of the driver and broker and caught the broker by saying in clear works I have handed over Rs. 1,000/- note to you and not Rs. 50.- note. The broker saw my face and after seeing the confidence for about 5 seconds , he said i am asking for change of Rs. 50/-. Once the broker left the cab i have discussed with taxi driver about this incident pretending i think he is innocent and i am a well wisher of his. The taxi driver reveals that these brokers fool around 5-15 people every day like that (mostly who comes alone for a business trip with less luggage) . I like to request Mumbai police (traffic police as well) to publicize this in press/ media/ plan a sting operation and publicize this technique used by these broker and taxi drivers, so that Mumbai traveler can save themselves. Requesting all my media related friend (press and video) to take necessary actions on this, if possible a sting coverage.. Regards, Vikas Sareen https://facebook/pages/Mumbai-Police/105667486133004
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 18:27:32 +0000

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