Munro may have arrived at the end of her career, but her stories - TopicsExpress


Munro may have arrived at the end of her career, but her stories keep changing, as works of art tend to do. “The town, unlike the house, Munro writes in Home, “stays very much the same — nobody is renovating or changing it. She adds: Nevertheless it has changed for me. I have written about it and used it up. But, she says, not for my father. He has lived here and nowhere else. He has not escaped things by such use. The sense of finality in this collection is, like so many powerful feelings, illusory. These stories were, the writer admits, her means of escape, and they have that quality still. They remain restless, unsettled. In Family Furnishings, Alice Munro looks back, but as a fugitive does — to see if something’s gaining on her. ––The New York Times on Alice Munros FAMILY FURNISHINGS
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:19:57 +0000

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