Murdered Cartoonists Will Sleep - TopicsExpress


Murdered Cartoonists Will Sleep Easier A friend of two victims of the Charlie Hebdo attack says France has stood up to terrorists as the president urges vigilance. 07:15, UK, Saturday 10 January 2015 1/10 Police officer Clarissa Jean-Philippe who was killed in the second Paris shooting. Pic: Facebook tribute page Charlie Hebdo cartoonists Visit link for : Gallery: Faces Of French Terror Victims Charlie Hebdo editor Stephane Charbonnier, 47, had received death threats in the past and was living under police protection. Charbonnier and his nine colleagues, along with the two policemen were killed at the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris Ce soir, ou jamais! TV programme, Paris, France - 07 Nov 2014 Charlie Hebdo cartoonists FRANCE-CINEMA-CANNES-FILM-FESTIVAL Police officer Clarissa Jean-Philippe who was killed in the second Paris shooting. Pic: Facebook tribute page Charlie Hebdo cartoonists Charlie Hebdo editor Stephane Charbonnier, 47, had received death threats in the past and was living under police protection. Charbonnier and his nine colleagues, along with the two policemen were killed at the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris A friend of two cartoonists murdered in the attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices has told Sky News the pair will rest easier after police killed the suspects in the shooting and another man who had taken hostages at a supermarket. Arash Derambarsh, who has published books of cartoons by Stephane Charbonnier, the magazines editor known as Charb, and Jean Cabut, known by the pen name Cabu, paid tribute to the amazing job done by the police and special forces. Tonight France said to the terrorists we never give up in front of the terrorists, we never give up, he said. Twelve people were killed in the attack on the satirical magazine on Wednesday before the suspected gunmen went on the run, robbing a petrol station and prompting a huge manhunt across northern France. The brothers were cornered in a printing works near Charles de Gaulle airport on Friday and died as the building was stormed. Video: President Praises Security Forces Mr Derambarsh said he had met Charb 10 days before Christmas and urged him to stay safe over the holidays, but the cartoonist had replied: Who wants to kill me, who wants to kill a caricaturist, I just draw cartoons? President Francois Hollande also praised the courageous security forces after police had killed Said and Cherif Kouachi, along with another gunman, Ahmed Coulibaly, who had taken hostages in a kosher supermarket. He said they had faced down the terrorist but warned France has not finished with the threats targeting it. I call you all to be vigilant, to remain united and remain mobilised. Vigilance is something the state must demonstrate, he said. Video: Paris Attack: Victims Relatives I ask you to remain united - its our best weapon. It shows we are determined to fight against anything that can divide us. Prime Minister Manuel Valls, speaking separately to TF1 television, said: We are confronting an unprecedented terrorist challenge. He said of this weeks violence: There will be a before and an after of what happened. A mass demonstration has been called for Sunday to honour the 12 people killed at the Charlie Hebdo offices, a policewoman shot dead by Coulibaly and four hostages who died in the supermarket. Video: Al Qaeda Threatens More Attacks Mr Hollande will attend the unity rally along with several world leaders, including Britains David Cameron and Germanys Angela Merkel. Mr Cameron said on Twitter that the rally would be celebrating the values of Charlie Hebdo.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 08:12:04 +0000

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