Murjiah and their corrupt understanding of Taghut By: the Eminent - TopicsExpress


Murjiah and their corrupt understanding of Taghut By: the Eminent Sheikh Bishr ibn Fahd al-Bishr [May Allah hasten his release] My beloved brother, the Salaf u Salih [pious predecessors] may Allah be pleased with them, had true knowledge about the Taghut and it’s types. And that’s why you didn’t see deviation from the Sirat al-Mustaqim [Straight Path] amongst them. Indeed true deviation from the Sirat al-Mustaqim only occurs when there is ignorance about the reality of the Din [religion]. And that’s why, when the situation of the Umma changed, after the three blessed centuries, and innovation got stronger (spread), the ignorance about the Taghut emerged. My brothers in Islam… The Mutakalimeen [philosophical theologians] of the Mu’tazillah, as-Sha’irah, the Matarudi’sand others, and also from among the Murji’ah, had the worst impact on the Islamic Umma In disturbing the serenity of ‘Aqeedah [Islamic creed and belief], in corrupting it’s nature, and in serious deviating it. Which has led to the ignorance about about the reason why Allah sent His Messengers, and revealed His Books; It is Tawheed [the Oneness of Allah] which stands on two powerful pillars: 1. Believing in Allah exclusively [without associating partners to Him] 2. Declaring disbelief in Taghut [anything worshipped, obeyed or followed besides Allah] The traces left by the Mutakalimun [philosophical theologians] were bad, as they explained the meaning of ‘La illaha illa Allah’as Tawheed ar-Rubbubiyah only.. So they said it means: That Allah is the Creator and that there is no one capable of creating/inventing besides Him. So according to them, the one who believes this; that Allah is the Creator, and the Provider and the other Actions of the Almighty Lord, is the true Muwahid [monotheist] who perfected his Tawheed [Oneness of Allah]. So this is Tawheed according to them And according to this saying/fundament, Abu Djahl and Abu Lahab would be considered to be Muwahideen! Because they didn’t deny the fact that Allah is the Creator and Provider. Allah says: {And if you ask them who created them, they will surely say: Allah.”}[Quran 43:87] Verily the Shirk [polytheism] of Abi Djahl and Abi Lahab was in [Tawheed] alUloohiyyah, that means directing all acts of Worship to Allah Ta’ala. It is then when the Ummah strayed/deviated; I mean: After those Mutakalimum [philosophical theologians] appeared, and spread in the width and length of the Lands of Islam. So the Umma deviated in the understanding of “La illaha illa Allah”, and that led to the worship of graves! And those graves are from the Tawagith. It also led to directing many of all kind of worships to the fortune tellers, magicians, astrologers, saints, righteous people and others.. And [those people we call] a Taghut! That also leads to leniency when it comes to seeking the Judgement with other then the Shari’ah of Allah Ta’ala. Because according to them this is more practical. As for the Murji’ah:they are the people who had the biggest traces on the Muslims! They have corrupted the Believes and deeds of the Muslims and they’ve corrupted their morals and behaviour.. Al-Irjaameans: That Iman [believe, faith] is: confirming the Truth of what the messenger of Allah Sallalahu ‘Alayhi Wasalam came with, with the heart.. This means that Abu Taalib [uncle of the prophet] was a believer, because he believed that the messenger of Allah Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wasalam was on the Truth, and that he was Sincere. Despite that he refused following him and he refused obeying him. And the last words said at his deathbed: “He is on the Millah of AbdulMuttalib [grandfather of the prophet].” The same Abu Taalib said in a poetry belongs to him: I knew the religion of Muhamad (pbuh) * was the best of all wild religions If it wasn’t for the Blames, Warnings and insults * You would have seen me convert to it So he knew that the messenger of Allah Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wasalam was sincere! That was how the all the Kufar of Quraysh were: they knew that the messenger of Allah was sincere in what he said [the message he conveyed], but they refused and acted arrogant when it came to obeying him, so therefore they became Kufar. Therefore the Murji’ah have made the deeds separate from Iman. So the one who believes in his heart is a Muslim according to them, even if he doesn’t confirm with his tongue, and even if he doesn’t act according to the teaching of Islam at all. Therefore the Ruling with other than what Allah has revealed in most of the Muslim Lands, while the Ulama [scholars] of the Murji’ah were silence, [i.e didnt forbid the Munkar]. So according to them, that doesn’t affect the meaning of Iman. And, I swear by Allah, that is deviation from the Truth!!And deviation from the methodology of Ahlul Sunna Wa’l Jama’ah [i.e. the path of the messenger of Allah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasalam]. All this my beloved ones led to ignorance of the nullifiers of Islam, and ignorance of the rulings of apostasy among the Muslims, which led to the Ruling with “atTaghut“, and the spread of worshipping “at-Taghut” in the Lands of the Muslims, while they thought that they were still on the fold of Islam, and doing good. #saif
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 02:41:27 +0000

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