Murtis OF HINDU Gods In Harmandir Sahib Until 1906 Sikhs were - TopicsExpress


Murtis OF HINDU Gods In Harmandir Sahib Until 1906 Sikhs were always known as a sect of Hinduism, which is why they continued celebrating traditional Hindu festivals such as Rakhri, Diwali, Lohri, Vaisakhi, Dusshera and Holi. Unlike the Hindus who became known as muslims and started celebrating muslim festivals. If indeed the Gurus wanted to create a new religion, would they not have created religious festivals to coincide and mark this new religions separate? The fourth guru, Ram Das (1574-1581a.d ), excavated a tank which subsequently became known as Amritsar (pool of nectar) and gave its name to the city that grew around it. in due course, a splendid edifice, Har-mandir (temple of Hari-Vishnu), rose in the middle of this tank and became the supreme centre of the sikh sect of hinduism ------ Instead, All ten Gurus marriages were conducted by Hindu pandits and they were married within Hindu rituals, as were other Sikhs until the Anand Karaj Act was passed in 1909. The Laava written by the fourth Guru Ram Dass were about mans spiritual union wiv god, which can never be BROKEN, not about a union between man and woman! ------ Hindus and the Hindus who later became known as Sikhs, would worship together at Hari(Vishnu)-mandir Sahib, aptly named by the fourth guru Ram Dass,(1574-1581), it housed murtis of Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and the 6th Guru Harigobind until 1906 and is today known as the golden temple. Sumer Singh Chauhan in his essay on the common heritage of the sikhs and hindus - divide & conquer - states: many scholars have stated that the granth contains specific references to hindu gods such as Rama and Krishna. The gurudwaras, or sikh temples, have always been decorated with pictures of Hindu Gods, and both Devtas and Devis. The first desecration of these pictures and Murtis was in 1906 at Harmandir, and this was the first action taken by separatist sikhs, heavily influences by British administrators such as Max Arthur Macauliffe and Wilheim Leitner (who invented the name Singh Sabha). [u]Until 1906 there remained life size Murtis of both Lord Hari ( Vishnu) and the 6th Guru Harigovind Other gurudwaras also had them removed as recently as 1984, this occurred after the attack on the golden temple. this was not an attack on religion but was justified for reasons of national security. IF THE GURUS DIDNT WANT MURTIS OF HINDU GODS IN THE HAR(VISHNU) MANDIR, WOULDNT THEY HAVE SAID SO DURING THEIR LIFETIMES INSTEAD OF IT HAPPENING IN 1906 UNDER THE SAY SO OF THE BRITS??? Guru Govind passed on in 1708, over 200 years after his passing the Singh Sabha suddenly decide to remove these murtis?? Some closed minded bigots refer to Hindus as Idol worshippers, but Idol worshiping is truly something that we do not do, we worship with great vigor, with heart and soul. Idol-worshipping is an offensive and derogatory term used by the British during the British Raj through shear ignorance to degrade our ancient religion. We use Murtis to help us worship we do not specifically worship these images, we use these as focal points to help us worship god Last edited by Arjun101 : 13th July 2007 at 04:58 PM.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 07:53:35 +0000

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