@Musa Mohammed 20 reasons why Buhari has been rejected by many - TopicsExpress


@Musa Mohammed 20 reasons why Buhari has been rejected by many Nigerians. Millions of Nigerians has been rejecting him since 2003 despite his popularity’,they do so for the following reasons: e-states.ng He Is A Hypocrite And Sanctimonious: Buhari is a self-acclaimed anti-corruption Czar, yet he served under late Sani Abacha without complaining of corruption. In the same period Buhari served as PTF Chairman under Abacha, Nigeria was named the 2nd most corrupt country in the world in 1996 by Transparency International; the most corrupt country in 1997 and 3rdmost country in 1998. Buhari didn’t resign or protest. He dismissed the TI Report with a wave of the hand. Can he do the same if such report says Nigeria is the most corrupt country in 2014? I know that Buhari would protest and call President Jonathan names. Buhari as a man of integrity as he claims should have done what Tai Solarin, Duro Onabule and Ebitu Ukiwe did under IBB’s regime. IBB’s attempt to take Nigeria into the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) made his Chief of General Staff, Ebitu Ukiwe to resign. Ukiwe maintained that Nigeria, as a country, should not be a member of a religious organisation. Individual organisation can take up membership of religious organisations, but not the country. IBB made Tai Solarin the chairman of Peoples Bank with no fund and power to run it; he resigned and tendered his apology to Nigerians. Buhari has not apologized to Nigerians for working for the most corrupt govt in the world then, but he still maintains that Abacha didn’t loot Nigeria dry even as Abacah loots are still being sent back to Nigeria. When he took over power by the gun, he supported rigging because it favoured him. But now, he is shouting of rigging. Hear him: “The last general election was anything but free and fair. The only political parties that could complain of election rigging are those parties that lacked the resources to rig. ” -M. Buhar (First Speech after Military Coup, 31 December, 1983)
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 07:29:41 +0000

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