Museveni said by invoking Fanon: Violence alone, violence - TopicsExpress


Museveni said by invoking Fanon: Violence alone, violence committed by the people, violence organized and educated by its leaders, makes it possible for the masses to understand social truths and gives the key to them. We must have hope for change in Uganda because this country does not belong to Museveni and his clique, Uganda belongs to Ugandans, and I do believe that in Uganda there are so many people who can effectively steer this country to prosperity. A new State Department report on human rights says Ugandas most serious problems are lack of respect for the integrity of the person, unwarranted restrictions on civil liberties, and violence. Uganda has not had a peaceful transfer of power since independence in 1962, and Musevenis violent crackdown on opposition activists makes him look like the dictators he once fought. We are no longer threatened by the past, I am referring to the violent record of Ugandas former leaders that Museveni usually cites to justify sticking around. Especially in the urban areas, there is a new atmosphere that suggests that the ground seems to be shifting. Museveni is in a difficult position because his favourites are either tainted by corruption or would come across as terrible choices for national cohesion. Within the National Resistance Movement people have outgrown the personality of Museveni,They think that they can live without him. This is very interesting because now Museveni is less popular than his party. Museveni, who is in his late sixties, has held sway over Uganda since 1986 when he captured power by force as a guerilla fighter. He now faces fierce competition from an opposition emboldened by his old age and by his diminishing prestige within his own party. Even Christian clerics usually noted for their discretion have joined a popular campaign to limit Musevenis hold on the presidency, saying they constantly pray for his departure. Museveni says in his autobiography that he was born about the year 1944. He says he uses the word about because his parents dont remember the date of his birth. Some of Musevenis opponents say he is possibly older and should retire.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 08:09:33 +0000

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