Musings of an old man.. yep me.. Sorry but I was praying and - TopicsExpress


Musings of an old man.. yep me.. Sorry but I was praying and thinking early this morning and felt I needed to share my thoughts with everyone who “like me” on facebook.. If you know me, you know I am Blessed Beyond Measure.. The Steve Case Paraphrase of my favorite verses in the Bible (Lamentation Chap 3) is, I remember how horrible I was, I remember the dumb stupid things I did, I realize I should be squashed like a bug, yet You did not squash me at all, instead you restored me, you remade me and filled my life with blessing, your blessings to me are new every morning, GREAT is Thy Faithfulness!! Let me tell you about my Blessing.. Shirley, simply put The Best EVER!! A Great Wife, a wonderful friend, the world’s Best companion and Truly a Direct and undeserved Blessing From God Almighty.. I clearly don’t deserve Shirley but I am so Happy God placed her into my life!! I LOVE YOU!! Pam my daughter, what a woman of God! I am in awe of her. Kind loving generous smart.. but most important a Wonderful woman of God, I LOVE YOU!! Venus, what a Great Lady, first time I met you I was impressed, I’ve known you now for 14 years.. I have continued to be impressed, what a remarkable lady and a true Blessing in my life, I LOVE YOU!! Christina, years ago we made a silly (??) commitment while standing in line at Ponderosa. You promised to be my Friend for Life! Seemed silly and we joked about it over the years but it was prophesy, you have in fact been my friend for life, a wonderful lovely daughter and friend What a Blessing!! I LOVE YOU!! Stephen, unique, a chip off the old block and a truly amazing man. You are always quick with your wit, yet we have amazing in-depth discussions, showing you are a very smart, deep man. I cherish our relationship and love who you are I LOVE YOU!! Gene you are so much like my Dad (He was an amazing Man) You are of course a talented cook (Love your fried rice) a hard worker, but most of all I see you as a devoted father and husband. I am so proud of you! You have grown into a wonderful Man! I LOVE YOU!! Cornelius marrying your Mom would have been Blessing enough, but God decided to add to my Blessings and include two lovely “kids” You are a huge blessing! Our times when we get together and talk, the times we have done projects together each time I find you to be incredible, smart, hard working and a man of great love! I LOVE YOU!! Pam you brought into my life one of two of the best son in laws a man could ever hope for, John! What a GREAT man of God! John how I have loved our times of reflection, to hear what God is speaking to your heart. You know when I need prayer, your prayers as the most desired! You are my hero in the Lord! I LOVE YOU!! Christina, we all agree Marty is a GREAT GUY!! Everyone loves Marty and it is easy to see why. What a kind, gentle loving soul!! Even though everyone loves Marty I am sure there is no other man who loves Marty more than me!! I LOVE YOU Marty!! Gene, you definitely found a rare prize in Mae! Mae you are one of the sweetest ladies on earth, a real treasure to all of us, but especially to me! I LOVE YOU!! Cornelius, you also found a rare treasure in Jasmine!! We all adore you Jasmine, and I absolutely love your big heart, your willingness to jump in and help, your obvious love for others! I LOVE YOU!! Jenn, I know you are not really a daughter, but I consider you ,mine any way. What a talented, hard working beautiful Lady I LOVE YOU!! Jarrid my first Grand baby.. I know who you are, I know the plans God has for you. You are a Great person. I pray for you daily that you will let God restore you to the Man He wants you to be I LOVE YOU!! Shane, my second Grand Baby! You are a very talented and loving man! You are outstanding in everything you do. God has blessed you, I pray you use your talents as God has planned. I LOVE YOU!! Chloe, my first Grand Daughter. Remember how you used to cry when I had to leave to go home? I do. You are beautiful and VERY talented. God has a plan to use those great talents for Good, and it sounds like you understand your purpose to help those with disabilities through music! Wow I am so impressed !! I LOVE YOU!! Samara, what a gem. You definitely march to your own beat, and I can see God written all over you. I am very excited to watch and see what God has planned for you. It will be amazing. I LOVE YOU!! Mady, my dear sweet Mady. You have the beautiful nature and looks of your Mom. You are Blessed. But what I see is a darling Grand daughter who will accomplish great thing. I LOVE YOU!! Sidra, you are a beautiful girl! Not only on the outside but especially on the inside. You and I joke with each other (I love it) but I see the most amazing young lady emerging. I predict you will do incredible things! I LOVE YOU!! Jefferson, wow what can I say. A real boys boy, and real man’s man. Outstanding person, so filled with love and compassion! God gave you all that love for a reason, and I believe you will use it mightily!! I LOVE YOU!! MacKenzie, I know you love me and secretly want a kiss on the cheek from me. You are a sweetheart!! I LOVE YOU!! William, you are a great kid and God has great plans for you!! I LOVE YOU!! So you can see I am BLESSED beyond measure! But wait there is more.. Celia my eldest sister, wonderful friend and substitute Mom. I remember that you prayed for me all those lost years, and I know you pray for me yet today I LOVE YOU!! Paul my eldest Brother, a statesman, and solid pillar for Christ I am so impressed with you, a Man of God! I LOVE YOU!! Dave, always my Big Brother Always available to help in any (and every way) always willing to give of yourself to everyone! A real true servant of God!! Do you realize you’re my hero? I LOVE YOU!! Milly, everyone’s Mom! Boy you have filled my heart with love over the years, and then you did the same for my kids (and for everyone) Everyone (Including me) loves to come to Milly’s because you show such love!! What a great person I LOVE YOU!! Netie, you introduced me to car accidents (grin) But I always remember you were willing to take two bratty kids with you when you went out. Loving and kind the best!! I LOVE YOU!! John.. I love our relationship!! What a wonderful Brother!! Love your jokes, love the laughs, but I absolutely cherish all the times we have been able to talk and share. I truly look up to you. If I ever grow up I hope to be just like you!! I LOVE YOU!! Cora, the greatest kid sister EVER! Oh what fun we had as kids, oh what a blessing. I thank God regularly that Mom and Dad cared enough about me to have a one more GREAT kid to grow up with me. My life would have been missing a lot, if they hadn’t!! I LOVE YOU!! Then I am blessed with “in-laws” Clyde outstanding man, Pat, a wonderful example of a Godly woman, Ruth the sweetest sister in law ever (and thanks for bringing Shirley back into my life) Ronnie I learned to me a man watching you.. the ultimate Godly Man’s Man, Wayne The Pastor, the man with the wise and thoughtful counsel, Betty I always think of you as my sister.. you have always been so nice to me, and Rod a great man of God who I adore I love all you guys! Through Shirley I am Blessed with Margret I am so proud of you, Bev although we don’t see each other often, I am impressed with who you are, Charles + Cheri always willing to open your house for Christmas and July 4th James and bonnie always fun to be around. Now you say, WOW Steve is blessed and I am but wait there is still more I have likely the BEST Pastor in all of New England, Pastor Patty and attend the greatest most loving church Newmarket Community Church. My previous Pastor (and still my dear friend) Pastor Steve is awesome man of God, my previous church The Rock is amazing. And I have so many dear friend If I tried to list them I would spend hours and hours and likely forget to mention a few (old age I guess or I am blessed with more friends than I can count) But you all know who you are, and I love you all dearly However MOST important on March 19th 1989, I met a Friend closer than my brother. At about 9 PM that night I spoke with Jesus Christ and asked Him into my life!!! Most significant event of my entire life. He should have turned His back to me.. He should have told me about my failure which are countless, He should have reminded me how I turned away from Him as a teenager, but NO He instead welcomed me with open arms, and came into my life, into my Heart!! GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS TO ME!! Life has never been the same. I have lived both ways.. without Him as an active part of my life, and now with Him active in EVERT aspect of my life. Oh this is so much better. It gets sweeter as the days go by. It gets sweeter as the moments fly, His love is Richer, Deeper Fuller, Sweeter, sweeter, sweeter as the days go by! Lord I LOVE YOU MOST OF ALL!! Let me end this musing by saying friend, loved one if you do not know Jesus Christ, if you have never accepted Him into your life, If you do not know what it is like to have Him in Every Aspect of your life, don’t waste another moment. There is no comparison to life with Christ. In fact my experience would say Life without Christ is no life at all.. it is merely and existence. I did not know life, I did not know joy I did not know blessing until Christ came into my life. And it was so simple.. all I said was Jesus forgive me for my sins and come into my life!! Please do the same.. if not so we can spend eternity together (Though I so look forward to spend eternity with you) do it to gain the BEST LIFE EVER! It’s a wonderful life I’m living, Jesus is my best friend. He keeps loving and giving and pouring out blessings. With mercy that never ends. (Booth Brothers) Love you all!! steve
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 12:20:06 +0000

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