Muslim Brotherhood, Get Out of Australia! - Michelle - TopicsExpress


Muslim Brotherhood, Get Out of Australia! - Michelle 24/09/13. ‘It has been reported in the media that the Muslim Brotherhood is a registered association that has been operating in Padstow for over two years. Due to the Labor and Liberal political party support of mass Muslim immigration and state sanctioned multiculturalism, the tentacles of this radical Islamist group have taken roots in western Sydney’ "Party for Freedom" and a coalition of patriotic Australian individuals and groups will hold a rally in Revesby on Saturday, 19th October 2013, calling for the Muslim Brotherhood to be proscribed as a terrorist organisation in Australia. The people of Australia demand the newly elected Liberal government takes immediate action against the violent Sharia-observant Muslim Brotherhood and ban the terrorist group in Australia. It has been reported in the media that the Muslim Brotherhood is a registered association that has been operating in Padstow for over two years. Due to the Labor and Liberal political party support of mass Muslim immigration and state sanctioned multiculturalism, the tentacles of this radical Islamist group have taken roots in western Sydney. The people of Australia should be concerned that a radical, hate-filled group like the Muslim Brotherhood is able to operate with the complicity of the federal government. Currently the Attorney General’s office lists fifteen banned terrorist organisations in Australia, all of which are (you guessed it), Islamic. It seems a pattern has developed of Islam’s sponsor of terrorism and total disdain of civilised behaviour and human rights. In May 2011, Australia’s then-foreign minister Kevin Rudd flew to Cairo to hold talks with Muslim Brotherhood officials, including Mohamad Morsi, who has since been deposed in a people’s coup. The deluded Kevin Rudd said at the time “The international community must engage with the Muslim Brotherhood as Egypt prepares for democratic elections”. Rudd’s attitude was reminiscent of former British PM, Neville Chamberlain who also supported ‘engagement’ with Hitler prior to World War II. The Muslim Brotherhood is anti-Christian, anti-Western, anti-modern, misogynist, barbaric, violent, homophobic and theocratic. The political left including the ‘useful idiots’ of Labor and the Greens both have a profound hatred of Western civilisation and Christianity. This shared hatred has crafted intellectual impairment that has provided for ‘unholy acceptance’ of radical Islam by radical political leftists. The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in 1928 by Hassan al-Banna, who admired the National Socialist political ideology, including the hatred of Jews. When Hitler came to power, the Nazis supported the Muslim Brotherhood financially and diplomatically. During World War II, members of the Muslim Brotherhood fought for Hitler, as Nazi troops in two specially formed SS Waffen-SS Handschar divisions. Even Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, an ally of the Muslim Brotherhood, lived in Berlin as Hitler’s guest from 1941 to 1945. The Muslim Brotherhood has also spurned other terrorist organisations including the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan, and Hamas. Osama bin Laden was Muslim Brotherhood-schooled and led a new faction of the Muslim Brotherhood, which became Al-Qaeda. The situation for Coptic Christians in Egypt is dire. The indigenous Copts comprise some 10% of Egypt’s mainly Muslim population. Church, political and social leaders have complained about the growing harassment by followers of Morsi’s fanatical Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood has targeted Christians in an orgy of violence, rape and murder. It is difficult to ascertain the exact number of Christians who have been murdered, but media sources estimate that thousands of Christians have been murdered and hundreds of Churches have been destroyed or damaged. The Muslim Brotherhood’s motto is ‘Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Quran is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope’. The group’s motto is a promotion of Islamic fundamentalism and a war cry for a pan-Islamic caliphate. It is time for the Australian government to proscribe the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organisation in the name of cohesion and security. Please inform fellow patriots, friends and family of this important rally. Bring your Aussie flags and placards calling for the Muslim Brotherhood to be banned in Australia. Time: 1pm to 3pm, Saturday, 19th October 2013 Place: Abel Reserve, Revesby (next to Revesby railway station).
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 07:03:37 +0000

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