Muslim Terrorist Training Camps in North America New report of - TopicsExpress


Muslim Terrorist Training Camps in North America New report of radical, anti-U.S. Islamic centers confirms our 2004-05 findings Investigative report by Douglas J. Hagmann, Director Private undercover team exposes nationwide network of radical, anti-U.S. Islamic centers and supports our investigative findings… Mosques and Islamic centers in the U.S. are actively teaching jihad ideology and paramilitary training in the U.S. “I have sources – inside sources. These people at Best are armed and dangerous. They are doing paramilitary training there.”– Statement by former city council member about an Islamic Center in the city of Buffalo, NY. [Reported by Douglas J. Hagmann, director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, September, 2004] “Our initial investigation has concluded there are between 400 to 500 radical Islamic centers in the U.S. In those places, they preach an extreme version of Islam that says America and the West is the enemy. They espouse violence, hatred and the need for terrorism.” –Reported by David Gaubatz, director of counterintelligence and counterterrorism for the Society of Americans for National Existence and former senior U.S. intelligence official, June 2007 Image from covert surveillance of Islamic center in Buffalo, NY. Children playing or paramilitary exercise?28 June 2007: On 27 May 2005, the Northeast Intelligence Network published an investigative report titled â€Islamic Jihad Training in America?†that summarized the findings of our extensive investigation and covert surveillance of mosques and Islamic centers inside the U.S. that are purportedly teaching Islamic “jihad” in the form of ideological teachings and paramilitary style training to members of such Islamic centers. The report is available by request (e-mailed in PDF format). Target practice for terrorists Target practice for terrorists School bus used for target practice located at Islamic “educational” camp in Hancock, NY. Harmless shooting, or something more sinister? The primary focus of “Part I” of our investigation was the Islamic center located in the city of Buffalo, New York, a location that could be used as a template for other locations inside the U.S. The Northeast Intelligence Network first disclosed our investigative findings exclusively on The Tom Bauerle Show, featured on WBEN 930-AM in late 2004, prior to the issuance of our written report. Our findings, based on photographic documentation and information obtained through interviews, research, and other investigative methods, suggest that the ideology and practical aspects of Islamic Jihad is being taught at mosques and Islamic centers inside the United States, and those in charge of the Islamic centers are not being truthful to the public about their teachings. [Click "read more" above to continue reading]. In addition to photographic and other documentation we obtained relevant to the Buffalo, NY Islamic Center, the Northeast Intelligence Network found instances where the Imam of the Buffalo, NY Islamic center, Ibriham MEMON, appeared to propagate hatred of non-believers of Islam in a speech he gave at an Islamic conference – statements that could serve to exemplify our findings in this brief audio clip. Unsurprisingly, our findings were challenged by not only those who operate the Islamic centers, but by a broader spectrum of people who, in spite of the evidence presented, did not – and still do not believe such activities and teachings are taking place. The recent investigative findings of Mr. Gaubatz, a former counter-intelligence official, are consistent with the reports we issued in 2004-05, and serve to reinforce our findings. Perhaps now more people will awaken to the fact that hundreds of Islamic centers in the United States have become a hot-bed of extremist activity; they promote violence, terrorism and hatred against America. Read the recently published findings of Mr. Gaubatz HERE. ISLAMBERG, NY: Pakistani Terror Kingpin’s Disciples 13 February 2006: “We see children – small children run around over there when they should be in school. We hear bursts of gunfire all of the time, and we know that there is military like training going on there. Those people are armed and dangerous. We get nothing but menacing looks from the people who go in and out of the camp, and sometime they yell at us to mind our own business when we are just driving by. We don’t even dare to slow down when we drive by. They own this mountain and they know it, and there is nothing we can do about it but move, and we can’t even do that. Who wants to buy property next to that?” gilani1 Jamaat al Fuqra, a terrorist organization founded by Sheik Mubarek Ali Shah Gilani, the Islamic cleric Daniel Pearl was attempting to interview when he was kidnapped, and a group that has been linked to over two-dozen murders and fire-bombings inside the U.S., maintains active training compounds inside the United States. Perhaps the largest – and their operational headquarters, is situated on 70 acres nestled in a remote and heavily secluded area on the western edge of the Catskill Mountains in New York state, about 40 miles southeast of Binghamton, NY. PAKISTANI TERROR SHEIKH ANGRY OVER INVESTIGATIVE REPORT Sing at Hancock, NY compound (c) Douglas J. Hagmann INVESTIGATIVE REPORT: Exposing Terrorists in our Midst (Download by right clicking on link, and choose “Save as” to your computer). “A Message of concern to the American people from His Eminence Al Imam Sheikh SyeSyed Mubarik Ali Gilani” Investigative report issued by the Northeast Intelligence Network and co-authored by Internet researcher CP angers Pakastani Cleric. “I am telling you, Osama doesn’t have many people in America,” Khawaja says. “But here (in Pakistan), he has lots and lots of followers there and followers who are, I am telling you, I am sure of one thing, Osama does not have even one of his followers as committed as Sheik Mubarak Gilani. Source: [url=cbsnews/stories/2002/03/13/60II/main503644.shtml]CBS NEWS 60 Minutes II[/url] (about Sheikh Gilani, pictured below). gilani1107money “Now, here comes the latest aggressor, Douglas J Hagmann. In one breath he concocts so many lies that one wonders how a person with common sense can do such a thing. His statements themselves are self-contradictory, identical to his predecessor, Yusuf Bodenski.” –Sheikh Syed Mubarik ‘Ali Gilani BREAKING – 29 March 2006: Sheikh Mubarik Ali Hasmi Shah Gilani, pictured above, issued a statement from his headquarters in Lahore, Pakistan. Gilani, the founder of the terrorist organization Jamaat ul Fuqra, has rubbed shoulders with various members of the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah, their mullah backers, and even Osama bin Laden himself. He has trained fighters for the battlefields of Kashmir, Chechnya, and Bosnia. Gilani was in Pakistani custody for the abduction of US journalist Daniel Pearl, but has since been released. Official sources in Pakistan have indicated that Daniel Pearl was attempting to meet Gilani in the days before he disappeared in Karachi. Pakistani police arrested Gilani in Rawalpindi on January 30, 2002 and shifted him to Karachi for questioning. Although he denied any link to the abduction, police also detained several of his colleagues. Consequent to his arrest, he reportedly told his interrogators that he had links with the Pakistani intelligence agencies. Now, Gilani is upset with the findings of an investigative report concerning Jamaat ul Fuqra issued by the Northeast Intelligence Network and Internet researcher “CP” as outlined in the report below. The following is a statement just released by this Islamic “cleric:” 29 March 2006: On the 12th of February, a so-called “interim investigative report” by an unknown private individual who called himself “CP” investigator and Douglas J. Hagmann , with the internet address, homelandsecurityus, was released. This highly questionable report about Muslims of the Americas (MOA), their town Islamberg, NY, the International Quranic Open University (IQOU), and the Vice Chancellor of IQOU, is a small part of a campaign of hate, fabricated falsehood, lies, and appalling propaganda aimed at bringing about a clash between Muslims and Christians the world over, and particularly in the United States (U.S.) As the Imam of the Muslims of the Americas and Vice Chancellor of IQOU, I take this opportunity to expose this recurring scheme of deception and falsehood conjured up by vested interests. The compilers of this report, CP/Hagmann, assert the claim of the existence of an alleged “Jamaat-ul-Fuqra,” placing me as its head. For the past 25 years I, and the members of MOA, and the staff of IQOU at Islamberg, have adamantly denied knowledge of any such organization in the U.S., Pakistan, or elsewhere. In order to uphold and sustain one lie, one has to use hundreds of arguments. In this regard I am going to prove that Douglas J. Hagman and his group are the actual perpetrators of international terrorism, and racial and religious bigotry and their ceaseless campaign of hate, is more damaging to the U.S. than any other country. The U.S. has become a pawn of hidden hands that use America’s wealth and the innocent blood of their sons and daughters to wage their wars against Muslims….. Source: Investigative Note: Gilani was in Pakistani custody for the abduction of US journalist Daniel Pearl, but has since been released. Official sources in Pakistan have indicated that Daniel Pearl was attempting to meet Gilani in the days before he disappeared in Karachi. Pakistani police arrested Gilani in Rawalpindi on January 30, 2002 and shifted him to Karachi for questioning. Although he denied any link to the abduction, police also detained several of his colleagues. Consequent to his arrest, he reportedly told his interrogators that he had links with the Pakistani intelligence agencies. INVESTIGATIVE REPORT: Exposing Terrorists in our Midst (Download by right clicking on link, and choose “Save as” to your computer). IMPORTANT BACKGROUND ON GILANI
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 03:28:38 +0000

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