Muslims Killed Dracula (Muhammad Al-Fathih vs Vlad Dracula) So - TopicsExpress


Muslims Killed Dracula (Muhammad Al-Fathih vs Vlad Dracula) So the Ottoman Empire(May Allah Reward them) did an amazing job in establishing Islam...however it wasnt just this, many of us already know about this, we know that they conquered constantinople. but as i said that there is much that we dont know, for example many of us are arent aware of the time that Muhammad Al-Fathih(RH) fought against dracula! youve heard of dracula before? when i say Dracula you maybe thinking a Vampire. your saying. Ya Musa! your telling me than Muhammad Al-Fathih fought a Vampire! whats next he fought Superman? no! Dracula was a real man.There was a real man named Dracula and he ruled over the southern part of a country what we call today Romania. Now muhammad al-fathih(RH) as he began to advance into Eastern europe for example Bosnia,Servia,Hungary all of these lands...the people of Walachia of southern romania, they wanted to fight against the Ottomans. however they were very weak and so they had to make a peace deal with him. so as part of this peace deal Muhammad Al-Fathih(RH) he said to the Ruler... he said YOU HAVE TO SEND ME TWO OF YOUR SONS AND WE WILL SENT THEM TO ISTANBUL TO BE EDUCATED. so he sent his two sons, one was name VLAD and one is named RADU. now Vlad as we know he is Dracula. because the word dracula it means Son of dracul, which was the name of his father DRACUL means shaitan it means DEVIL. so he is the son of the Shaitan and this is actuallu quite relevant... its rather fitting when you heard about this Man! what happen was they went to Constantinople they Study about islam, and his Brother(RADU) actually became a muslim. so the brother of dracula, Radu become a muslim, he was a HAFIDUL QURAN he studied so much about islam and even Dracula, Dracula studied Quran even though he wasnt a Muslim he spoke Arabic,Persian and Turkish and of course Romanian and other languages and later on he was sent back to his Country where as Radu remained and he became the Ruler of his country because the Ottomans Realized, they cant send a Muslim to rule the country because they are Christians. they wanted to send Vlad(Dracula) so that they could get him there and defeat him in a war and they would rule the Country. however dracula, he decided that he wasnt going to do what the sultan wanted! The Sultan sent him to emissaries, to people to come to speak with him and they said to him. you must pay jizziya now that you are the ruler over the country, you have to pay as Jizziya. and so Dracula he said to them, IF YOU WANT TO STEP INTO MY COURT, YOU HAVE TO TAKE OF YOUR TURBAN. and so they said NO! we wont remove it for you! we are not going to remove it for a Kafir. so he said Take it off! again they refused! (AS WE GO ONWARDS...) so this was an Act of War. Dracula had decided that he wanted to go to war with the ISLAMIC STATE and so Muhammad Al-Fathih(RH) he sent a massive army to go fight against them. but DRACULA, because of his tactics and the fact he knew Ottoman very well, he was able to defeat them on some occasions. Now what he did what really makes him stand out as an ABSOLUTE EVIL. Dracula what he did is when would kill a person, well sometimes they wouldnt kill them, they would capture them. he did something called IMPAILING. now if you havent heard of it. its pretty gruesome thing to start to describe. what they would do is they would get a very BIG STICK , make it sharp at one End, they would insert it through your backside, pass it through your body until it comes out of your mouth. they would Impale them. they would pass them through their body. and this is how they would kill them! and the ottoman army , went to check their troops. they found 20,000 MUSLIMS being impaled along the side of this road! you can imagine how muhammad al-fathih(RH) he feels to see even one muslim killed is too much, but to mutilate their bodies was unacceptable. and so the Caliph send Radu the brother of Vlad Dracula he sent him to fight against his own brother. and eventually Radu(Rahimullah) eventually catch up with his brother. after many attrocities. even the Christians they started to back him off because what happen he was being romanian an Orthodox he wasnt Catholic, but he actually said to the POPE he said. IF YOU GIVE ME SOME MORE TROOPS I WILL BE CATHOLIC FOR YOU. anything you want ill change my Religion for you! he coudnt care, he wasnt a man of True Belief(VLAD DRACULA). however the Muslims they catch up with him they face him in a battle and its unclear if the muslims killed him.... But either way, Dracula was killed and the Ottomans the muslim army defeated them and so what they did is they Remove his Head and they took it to the City of Istanbul and they put it on. a very very large stick they impaled the head of Dracula put it into the Gates of Constantinople where it stood for 2-3 months to say, IF YOU WANT TO BE LIKE THIS MAN, WAGE WAR AGAINST US(MUSLIMS). and this was the Demise of Dracula and again as a Muslim most of us wouldnt even know about this. how many people know that Dracula was a real man?! and we as Muslims we fought him and we killed him! you know they say GARLICS KILL DRACULA or a SILVER BULLET to the HEART. none of these killed Dracula, MUSLIMS KILLED DRACULA! so anyone who wants to follow the way of Dracula, they will face the same Wrath of Muslim Ummah! Allahu Akbar! Share if you Like! Jazakhallahu Khair for Sheik Musa Cerantonio for making this possible #Ridwan
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 09:12:27 +0000

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