Muslims allowed to do Namaz at Mahuva’s Ram Mandir: Morari - TopicsExpress


Muslims allowed to do Namaz at Mahuva’s Ram Mandir: Morari Bapu New Delhi, March 03: Religious leaders and communities tend to come together to mark occasions calling for unity, but they rarely find concord and oneness, decried Morari Bapu, a renowned Ram Katha exponent and spiritual leader. Speaking at the 4th International Seminar on ‘Peaceful Co-existence with Focus on Religious Symbols in Islam and Indian Religions’ organised by the Indian branch of Al Mustafa University in association with Jamia Hamdard, Bapu said that while there are a lot of people who are Hum Safar (co-travellers), we need to become Hamdard, meaning we need understand each other’s pain. The idea should be to travel together “without wanting to overtake or push aside anyone” and to finally find “oneness” in people. Highlighting the need to shun narrow mindedness, Bapu gave his own example and revealed how Muslim leaders visiting his home town Mahuva are allowed to do Namaz in Ram Mandir and at Gurukul. “I tell them I will throw open the doors of Ram throughout the day for you to do Namaz despite the custom of the temple being shut at certain times to allow Gods to rest,” he said to a resounding round of applause. Bapu said that Buddha had symbolised religion through Chakra or the wheel. This meant that Dharma must keep evolving, else it will become like a stagnant pool of water that breeds insects. The Kathavachak said that in Gita while people had gathered for war, he hoped that in the new age we come together, but never for war and rather for peace. He said that Dharma was universal and imbedded in “truth, love and compassion”. “Truth leads to fearlessness, love to sacrifice and compassion to non-violence. No religion would dispute this or have objection to such a harmonious message.” Bapu quoted Kabir saying “Kabir kuan ek hai panihari aneka” (there is but one well, whereas as many have lined up to quench their thirst, so says Kabir - on underlining unanimity of the divine). He also narrated lines from Ram Charita Manas, “Sab Nar Kare Paraspar Preeti” – may all beings have goodwill for each other. Bapu felt that the world has seen enough reddened eyes of rage, and felt that now we must see the pink of love. “May followers of all religions increase, but let these followers also blossom like flowers. Let this world be a like a beautiful garden. Peace will automatically descend upon it,” he concluded. Iran was handsomely represented by ambassador Hon’ble Gholamreza Ansari, and Iranian Minister of Parliament and former Speaker Hon’ble Gholam Ali Haddad-Adel. While His Excellency – the Iranian ambassador – recounted how transitions in history like the World War II tend to be bloody, he felt the time for the next transition has come and the new century would see the rise of Eastern civilizations like China, India and Persia. In this scenario it was pertinent that religions like Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism and Islam underline the message of peaceful co-existence so that the next transition does not witness bloodshed. “Differences are the blessings of God. But God also gives wisdom to resolve disputes through dialogue,” Ansari added. Meanwhile, Haddad-Adel talked about how symbols are indicative of a deeper meaner, but unfortunately these get obfuscated and people remain entangled in gross meaning, while the intended sublime message escapes understanding. Explaining further the point, he said that while we tend to see a finger, we miss looking at the moon that it is pointing to. From the Indian side, other religious leaders like Shahi Imam of the 17th century Fatehpuri mosque Molana Mufti Mukarram Ahmed regretted that while Islam as a religion imbibes the message of peaceful co-existence, Muslims were associated with terror these days. He felt divisions and unrest are caused due to lack of thorough reading and real understanding of religious books. Dr. Syed Kalbe Sadiq, Vice President of All India Muslim Personal Law Board, related accounts from the life of the Prophet to stress the need for tolerance. He narrated how Prophet Mohammad had allowed a delegation of Christians to worship at a mosque and reprimanded his devotees who felt they would be disturbed by Christian prayers and bell gongs.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 01:59:11 +0000

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