Muslims do not belive in the celebrating of birthday. This is a - TopicsExpress


Muslims do not belive in the celebrating of birthday. This is a fact. But, there is no hadith and no verse in the Quran that says that "celebrating birthday is haram".So why are we not celebrating it? Because, eaven if there is nothing in the hadith or in the Quran that says "celebrating birthday is Haram", there is the issue of what we are doing when we are celebrating it and where the "birthday celebrating" comes from. And this will show that to celebrate birthday is not alowed in Islam.Here is an example; the TV alone is not haram, but because almost 95% that is comming up on the TV is haram, we say, you should avoid the TV.So back to the issue of celebrating birthday. Almost all the things you make when you are celebrating a birthday is haram. Because it leads to a type of ideal worship. For example, if you look back in history you will find that the birthday comes from the magic area. The costume to congratulate, give gifts and celebrating the birthday with candles and everything in this time was done to protect the child from the devil and to guarantee the childs safety for the comming year.I think that any muslim who read this now understand why it is haram. But for those who do not understand, let me explain. One of the worst thing you can do is to put other gods on God,s side or to make a type of ideal worship. There is no God but God! Thats it. He have power over all things and He alone control everything. So to think like they was thinking in prehistorical times, that a few candles and by celebrating birthday will protect you from the devil the comming year is haraaaam, it is a sin! Because the only one who can help you and protect you is God alone!Also our beloved Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and his people did not celebrating the birthday. Because this have nothing to do with islam. God gave us two feast to celebrate; Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha and thats it. Everything exept for that is not alowed in islam to celebrate. This is a thought for those muslims who also celebrate the birthday . stop that. It is not Islam.Also your birthday will appear every 365 day. This is how many days there is in the christian calendar. So the birthday is not eaven using the muslim calendar, but the christian. And no muslim should prefer the christian calendar in front of their own...Peace be with you all.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 23:10:14 +0000

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